The Little Things . . . a Going the Distance newsletter August 2012 || issue #7 Fall Session Begins August 6 The GTD fall Session for adults begin


The Little Things . . .

a Going the Distance newsletter

August 2012 || issue #7


Fall Session Begins August 6

The GTD fall Session for adults begins the week of August 6, and continues through November 11.

You may choose the onsite or email program. Whether you can attend the weekly onsite workouts with Coach Braz or want the email-only workouts, you receive a 15-week outline that is based on your goal for the program.

What is your goal for the fall? You may have fall marathon planned, or you may want to improve your 5K times, or aim for a half-marathon PR, or you may want to improve your fitness.

Program 2

If you're looking for a program with a daily outline and unlimited communication with Fernando and program adjustments along the way, you may want to use Program 2. You may sign up for Program 2 at any time.
Questions? Contact us --

Fall session signup form
Program payments page


->Going the Distance is a coaching service for runners at all levels.
If you know someone who might benefit from the Going the Distance program,
tell them about us, and forward The Little Things to them.
Visit our website -- Going the Distance
Head Coach -- Fernando Braz
Assistant Coach -- Annie Starrett
Webmaster and Director -- Dave Smith
For more information, contact Dave at<-
