Just Arrived in Our Shop! Our debut fabric collection from Tea and Sympathy has arrived, and it's just as sweet as can be. The collection centers aro

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Just Arrived in Our Shop!

Beautiful Garden Girl Poster

Free Quilt Project from Studio e!

Our debut fabric collection from Tea and Sympathy has arrived, and it's just as sweet as can be. The collection centers around a lovely 24 inch panel design of a Beautiful Garden Girl standing among her blooms, with bunnies afoot and butterflies fluttering above. The colors are softly muted and will delight moms and little girls alike.

This collection will be great for springtime clothing as well as fresh bedroom quilts and curtains. Head over to Studio e Fabrics for that Free Quilt Project Download!


Thank you so much for reading along with us, and for your continued support of our little shop!

Warmest regards,
Lindsay and Charlie

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