Heart Healing Newsletter Welcome to this heart MAIL newsletter. ISSUE 40, 24th July, 2013 In this newsletter: ▪ The Greatest Key to Clarity The Gr

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Heart Healing Newsletter

Welcome to this heart MAIL newsletter. ISSUE 40, 24th July, 2013

In this newsletter:

The Greatest Key to Clarity

Brain SQ

The Greatest Key to Clarity

The sudden and unexpected events that we are experiencing are from the same energies for opening a portal to thinking outside the square.

Do you want clarity? If the conscious mind (in-the-box thinking) knew the answers we needed, we wouldn’t need clarity.

Clarity is needed for thinking outside the square. What would aid us to be ‘catapulted’ into the realms of higher thinking? There must be a flip side of the coin of clarity that is the key to open the doors beyond our boxed thinking. Clarity’s flip side is vagueness, uncertainly, doubt. We could fight these perceived negative emotions. What we resist persists, right? We know that. But our in-the-box thinking still wants to fight and resist what we perceive as bad or negative.

Are you happy with the result you get from fighting and getting rid of ‘negativity’ such as uncertainly and doubt? If you are not happy with the result, then you might be ready to embrace out-of-the-box thinking. You might be ready and willing to consider that instead of these emotions being negative, they could actually be the key to giving you great clarity and new information. If not happy, you might be ready to step into a higher realm of infinite wisdom.

If you are thirsty, do you fight it and ignore it? Or do you recognise that this uncomfortable cue is letting you know that hydrating yourself is the answer? If so, the thirst served its purpose. If we ignore the thirst signal, then symptoms of poor concentration, lack of clarity, excessive heat, constipation, lung problems, aches, poor sleep and poor digestion might be our experience. The healthy function of stomach, pancreas and spleen along with sufficient mineral absorption are absolutely necessary for clarity.

Just as with thirst, doubt and uncertainty can be our gift or our curse, depending on what we do with it. Squashing, ignoring and giving up will not lead to the high clarity we are seeking, but strangely enough, more doubt, uncertainty, lack of clarity and physical health issues.

Consider the mythological dragon guarding the way to the treasure. The dragon’s goal is not to stop you from entering the way to the treasures. The inner ‘dragon’s’ goal is to restrict the entrance should there be the unwillingness to work with the ‘heat’ of discomfort. Working the ‘heat’ is like a butterfly exercising its muscles to emerge from the cocoon. Without the exercise there is no strength for soaring to new heights. Without working with the heat and restriction, there is no power to soar to new heights of clarity.

When doubt and uncertainty gift you with their presence, ask questions. “What is limiting me from seeing clearly?” “What does doubt and uncertainty want me to know that is blocking me from having clarity?" “What are the magnificent insights as I now step through the door of doubt, uncertainly or vagueness?” "What is it like to experience clarity?"

Confusion, vagueness and lack of clarity are the greatest keys to clarity. They are the ‘dragons’ preventing us from seeing things because we are unwilling to change. Or they are the ‘dragons’ to lead us to clarity to take action for change. Change is our natural state, yet change might not be what we want. Working with the ‘dragon’ brings clarity and riches beyond imagination to step into new wonders. The perceived negative feelings unite our inner powers and are the gifts to experience BEING powerful. When these aspects of us are integrated to work together, we open ourselves to far more power and strength than that described by our individual talents, skills and powers.

For information to come through clearly, our brain and nervous system need to be in harmony The Heart Healing Symbol Card, Brain, balances the brain and the brain rhythms to bring a profound sense of relaxation, pain reduction, quickened healing, and greater awareness of intuition, inspiration and creativity.

The Brain Card harmonises the nervous system: its rhythms, flow and nerve transmission, bringing energy and strength as the mind/body connection is improved.

How long we experience the tossing to a fro is up to us. We can either surf the waves of doubt, confusion and vagueness to new clarity, or sink in mud. How quickly either happens is a choice. The waves of doubt, uncertainty and confusion to carry us to clarity will keep coming. Sink or learn how to surf.

Use the Heart Healing Card , Brain for clarity. Select other cards to gain more of its wisdom and messages that lie as hidden treasures below the surface.


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Faye Rosie

Naturopath, Shaman, Medical Intuitive

ND, TWM, Dr Traditional Medicine (Colombo) - Naturopathy, not a GP


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