Subconscious patterning Hello, and thanks for taking a few minutes out of your busy day to read my mail. Over the last couple of weeks, I have becom

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Subconscious patterning

Hello, and thanks for taking a few minutes out of your busy day to read my mail.

Over the last couple of weeks, I have become aware of the fact that a number of us are currently dealing with old, deep-seated subconscious patterning that has started to shift into our awareness. It feels like we are being prodded to get rid of all the patterning that no longer serves us in order to move into a state of balance. This is not always a comfortable process, but a very necessary one on our path towards wholeness. I have also found that many of these patterns are related to past hurts, especially during childhood. Our subconscious mind will retain an idea or a pattern until we release that particular idea or pattern and replace it with a new idea or pattern. It takes tremendous courage to "unpack" these old issues and hurts and to release them and also to take responsibility for our own emotions and healing.

The benefits of getting rid of these old patterns and hurts can normally be seen firstly in our relationship with self. As we release there is a feeling of strengthening of self and an increase in confidence and self-trust. Secondly we can see a benefit in our relationship with others, as we tend to be less defensive and more willing to speak our truth and communicate with love. Sometimes by just being aware of these patterns and issues, the healing process starts, but it is always a good idea to make sure that you have rid yourself of the issue or pattern. This can be done by using hypnosis and reframing techniques. In my opinion the easiest way to get rid of these patterns is through Metaphysical Processing. During a Metaphysical Processing session, the issue is identified, clarified and understood and then cleared.

The easiest way to find out whether you have old negative behaviour patterns is to become aware of how you react when you feel hurt by someone else's actions or words and why you are feeling hurt. Then honestly look at what pattern your behaviour is highlighting (feelings of abandonment, low self esteem, issues of self worth, lack of self trust etc.)

Today's Reading

In light of the fact that many of the old patterns and issues that we are dealing with at this time are connected to wounding during childhood, I have decided to use the Inner Child Cards for this reading. The reading will provide guidance for those who are dealing with childhood patterning and wounding.

The Earth Child

The Earth Child

Card 1 reflects...

your openness to the world around you

The Earth Child
This is a time of preparing your soul for rebirth. Powerful and Divine sources are at work guiding you to rid yourself of hurts and pain from the past. Open up to this guidance and remember that you are loved and protected by your guides and spiritual helpers. Connect to Spirit and allow joy to re-enter your life. Gather strength and courage from this connection for the changes that lie ahead.

The Yellow Road

The Yellow Brick Road

Card 2 reflects...

how you push yourself to reach a new level of spiritual understanding

The Yellow Brick Road
In order to follow the yellow brick road (the path to higher wisdom and spiritual truth), you need to connect to your inner child and become carefree and joyful. Trust the guidance that you are receiving from your heart. As you allow yourself to heal and let go of all your old pain and hurt, the guidance of your heart becomes stronger. Shine your light and show the world who you truly are!



Card 3 reflects...

what needs to change in order for you to reach your goals

Let go of the ego and the importance placed on the material and focus instead on building a spiritual foundation for your life. Purge all old hurt, pain and fears. Cut the cords to all old patterns and allow yourself to be renewed. Take responsibility for your healing and growth. Have he courage to look at your life and release all that no longer serves you.

Three of Wands

Three of Wands

Card 4 reflects...

what you are currently attracting into your life

Three of wands
Listen to the guidance of your heart and you will connect to your joy and the joy of life! Express yourself creatively and listen to music. This will increase your vibration and strengthen your inner guidance and your connection to Spirit. You are able to attract joy as you release hurt and pain.

Peter Pan

Peter Pan

Card 5 reflects...

the challenges and opportunities on the horizon

Peter Pan
If you follow your inner guidance and flow with it rather than try and control it, you are able to bring about balance between your light and your shadow. Take time to uncover your authentic self, trust in yourself and have faith that you are connected to and supported by Spirit. Your challenge is to release your old fears and patterning in order to elevate your consciousness to a new level.

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And please feel free to pass this newsletter on to anyone you feel may benefit from reading it right now.

Until next time, wishing you love and light,
