Heart Healing Newsletter Welcome to this heart MAIL newsletter. ISSUE 27, 24 April, 2012 In this newsletter: \* Program for Your LIFE PURPOSE \* F

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Heart Healing Newsletter

Welcome to this heart MAIL newsletter. ISSUE 27, 24 April, 2012

In this newsletter:
* Program for Your LIFE PURPOSE
* FOOD for Thought: Fulfilling Your Life Purpose - Carbohydrates
* INSPIRATION with the Heart Healing Cards

Purpose SQ

Program for Your LIFE PURPOSE

We are all born with a built-in purpose program for a joyful, fulfilling and passionate life.

We all have intuition: intuit – taught from within.

Is it working for us? Let’s look at the pathway. First we get a feeling leading to perception which activates intuition to give us insights and answers. And why? For us to take action to manifest results.

Surrender and a willingness to hear the truth is absolutely essential to be guided in our life purpose. To recognise truth, we need to be willing to change or act upon our inner wisdom or authority. Otherwise we are likely to be deceived. We are open to deception when:

our intuition gives us insights and we do not act upon it
we believe what we are told without sensing into truth
we go against our intuition to enjoy the ‘pleasures’ which appear good for a while but that is because it is deceptive.
we think we will get away with going against our inner knowing.

“There are only two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to accept what is true.” Soren Kierkegaard

Always, set before us are only ever two choices:

life/death, blessing/curse, truth/deception.

We have been given the antidote to deception – discernment. Discernment presupposes proper motives. Something may be right (logical knowledge), however it may not be correct (heart wisdom). Do we choose to do what is right and correct? If not, then discernment cannot work in our favour.

Are we willing to do the correct thing before we know what the correct thing is? It is so easy to say and believe we are 100 percent committed. Our lack of commitment is known the moment we deny our inner knowing or truth. One way of denying the truth is by justifying false beliefs.

Having deep meaning and passion in our life comes when we are fulfilling our life purpose. Guidance comes from within to know how to fulfil our purpose. All the answers are within. No one can give them to us. We can read truth, or someone can speak truth to us, but it must resonate from within and we must be willing to act upon it.

Are you interested in discovering and fulfilling your life purpose?
Or are you committed to discovering and fulfillling your life purpose? If we are interested, we are going to do what is convenient. When we are committed, we will do whatever it takes.

If we are interested, we will come up with excuses; we won’t take the time to invest in self and do what is necessary. We will never obtain more than our self-image will allow us to obtain. Our self-image comes from deep seated distorted beliefs such as I am not good enough, I am not lovable, I don’t deserve, I am of no value, I am powerless, and I am worthless.

We need to work on the inside, otherwise commitment is worthless. We can choose to discover how to transform traumas and wounds simply, quickly and easily, instead of placing a positive thought over the discomfort. Then, we will not need to put effort into trying to make a positive thought work—it will be the natural, spontaneous outflow. We will know our uniqueness since transforming the subconscious blocks allow the truth to flow effortlessly into our consciousness.

The ‘mould’ was definitely broken after you were created. You are unique and only you can fulfil the purpose for which you have been called. It takes surrender and commitment to release and resolve the many blocks and traumas in our subconscious that limit the expression of our uniqueness. Health, wellbeing and fulfilling our life purpose with joy and passion are all dependent on acting upon our inner knowing.

How do we fulfil our life purpose? We must want it so much that we are willing to do what it takes.

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FOOD for Thought:

Fulfilling Your Life Purpose - Carbohydrates

Carbon is a creative element for birthing new cells and ideas. Earth is a carbon planet. The body, mind, emotions and spirit are influenced greatly by carbon.

Principal sources of carbon include grains, fats, oils, sugars. Since carbon is the main constituent in sugars, they are referred to as carbohydrates,

Are you fulfilling your life purpose with enthusiasm?
Or are your good intentions not carried out and your motivation and ambition lacking? Do you feel you lack will power and have difficulty saying ‘no’? Should bravery be also lacking and your high aspirations are not realised, these can be signs of excess carbon.

Overconsumption of carbohydrates especially due to refined grains, not only causes the mind to be sluggish, clouded, and thoughts unstructured with poor concentration, but also contributes to:

Wants are not known
Laziness, adverseness to work and effort
Disinclination to prepare food for oneself
Resolutions are lost or discarded in favour of fondness for starches, fats, sugary foods resulting in continued overconsumption of these foods
Craving for coffee or other stimulants because it seems to bring temporary relief (uppers to counteract the downers of excess carbohydrates)
Overconsumption of carbon causes further cravings for carbohydrates

Nutrient imbalance affects the spirit, mind, emotions and body. Further physical signs of excess carbon are:

Heavy head, noises in ears
Flabby tissues
Body functions are lethargic
Tissues become waterlogged including joints
Sex drive is diminished
Humid weather exacerbates symptoms
Depressed brain circulation
Tissues become acidic which can lead to nervous disorders
Immune resistance is low as important alkaline salts are insufficiently assimilated
Spinal weakness especially in small of back, aching elbows

Excess carbohydrates reduce the assimilation of calcium, iron, fluorine, silicon and potassium; heart muscle weakness is a consequence.

Any chemical imbalance affects inspiration (spirit), clouds the mind, disturbs emotions and finally the physical body affecting the seat of fruitfulness – reproductive centre. Our inner support (spine) is affected and we have difficulty moving forward with power and passion.

Excess or refined carbohydrates cause the spirit to be heavy instead of light. Will power is lacking or out of alignment with the Will of the higher nature.

The Heart Healing Symbol Card aid in realignment of the disharmony and support you in clearing the original blocks and traumas which led to habits and patterns that are limiting your life purpose.

Contact Faye Riosie - Heart Healing Centre for a consulation.

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INSPIRATION with the Heart Healing Symbol Cards:

Do you ever feel Stuck and Frustrated with Getting Insights?

Selecting a Heart Healing Symbol Card can be the starting point. As you keep selecting cards, you are given more and more of the information until the jigsaw pieces form the picture. Here's an example from my own experience:

Following a Sequence of Cards

Our present is determined by both the past and the future. FUTURE got my attention. hmmm now what? Select another card.

OK sensing prosperity relating to the future. To prosper means to advance and come to the proper and sucessful end.
Now I need more insight.

The Presence card has opened my energy to the future. The Abundance card is giving the message of coming to a successful end. Now I need to know what the energy or spirit of prosperity is wanting me to know and do. I select a further card:

I am sensing I need to create. The powers within the Creation Card are now supporting and guiding me. As I wait I sense a simple, quick and easy outline of an online course with the Heart Healing Symbol Cards..

The online course concept has been brewing for some time, however this time I was shown the outline and links.

The Heart Healing Symbol Cards will always lead you to a successful end.

level 1 inc cards cairns

CAIRNS Workshops

Heart Healing Symbol Cards


Level 6 SUNDAY, 20th May, 2012. 9 til 4/4.30pm

LEVEL 1 - Would you like to do a Level 1 Workshop with the Heart Healing Cards? Contact Faye Riosie - Heart Healing Centre now to register your commitment.

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Click here and LIKE Faye Rosie - Heart Healing Symbols on facebook


The Power of Your Spirit

Discover how to align spirit soul and body for health, happiness and freedom?

Discover the simple and easy Shamanic Tools.

Order here

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E-Book: ABUNDANCE, Fulfilling Your Desires with Effortless Ease

You are being given power to make wealth to facilitate what you want to do in your life. Discover the 4 phases of growth and how in returning and rest; in quiet confidence you experience abundance, freedom and power.

Order here.


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Faye Rosie

Naturopath, Shaman, Medical Intuitive

ND, TWM, Dr Traditional Medicine (Colombo) - Naturopathy, not a GP


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