In this moment, before the New Year, we reflect on those we love. We strive to be better, to give more, to define freedom not by what we do for oursel


In this moment, before the New Year, we reflect on those we love. We strive to be better, to give more, to define freedom not by what we do for ourselves, but what we do for others, and to pursue justice in the face of adversity, fear, or pride.

The twenty days before the inauguration are crucial for Dad.

You may have a friend or relative who could help free Don Siegelman! His organization may send an email asking people to sign the petition or she may be a celebrity with a large Facebook following. They may work for a government official who could offer a statement of support. Perhaps they are a member of the media or they have influence with the President and would be willing to write a prestigious private or public letter. Now is the time to wish them a Happy New Year and ask for their help, for your friend, and for my dad.

Please write a personal note or make a call. Your efforts have a huge impact on this movement. Please also continue to share the petition everyday. We are a team, and I cannot do this without you!

Thank you for your unique and united efforts to free my dad,


If you would like to donate, you can do so here.

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*Revisions to the video. The jury deliberated for ten days, not three. For more information on Fuller's affair, see Andrew Kreig's article. Also, Pryor is no longer Chief Justice on the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals.
