GO NOW, AND LIVE. I just want to say this on this rainy, a bit dark day in the beginning of November. Saw this on a wall of a friend in FB and I just

Mixing nuts banner winter2


I just want to say this on this rainy, a bit dark day in the beginning of November. Saw this on a wall of a friend in FB and I just want to share this, as a reminder, mostly to myself.

Go now and live
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Tule energiahoitoon ! Come for an energy healing session. Release some of the mental stuff you are carrying.

Tai tule ilmaiseen hyvinvointikartoitukseen! Could one conversation change your life? Come for a free initial wellbeing review.

Tai tule suunnittelemaan kanssani oman hyvinvointisi edistämiseen suunniteltu yksilöllinen ohjelma, jossa opetan sinua käyttämään hyväksesi mielesi mahdollisuuksia, ja hengittämään helpommin arjessa sekä löytämään uusia voimavaroja itsestäsi.
Or come and plan together with me your private program, in which I will teach you how to use your mind and thinking in favour of you and your wellbeing, to breath easier in everyday challenges, as well as find the internal power within you.

Ota yhteyttä/Contact me at mixingnuts@gmail.com.

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