New Horizons With great joy CCSS has begun the first Way of the Circle program! This program brought together a group of shamanic teachers and practi


Photo taken by Natalie Lucier

New Horizons

With great joy CCSS has begun the first Way of the Circle program! This program brought together a group of shamanic teachers and practitioners seeking the tools for establishing healthy and vibrant shamanic communities.

Members of this program began to weave together and co-create a learning environment supported through each other's dreams and journeys. And it was through such co-creation that a medicine song was gifted to the way of the circle from the whales.

The Way of the Circle members would like to pass this gift on to all circle walkers! Enjoy!

Link: The Whale Song

Activity: Reconnecting with Nature

By Ruth Welsh (Way of the Circle Member)

Stand at the entrance of a nature trail.

Silently seek permission to enter. Wait for a sign. It may be a warm breeze against your cheek, a loving feeling passing through you or a cloud moving so that the sun can shine on the path.

You will receive a sign if you are to enter. If you don’t feel that you have received a sign, ask yourself; What is my intention for this walk?’ Sit with this intention while you wait for a sign.

This is important because the Nature Spirits ask at times `Why do they treat us as though we aren`t even here?’ We probably wouldn’t go to a neighbour’s house, walk through the front door if it were unlocked and start to move the furniture around.
We are invited to come from this same place of respect and honouring of space when we wish to be with the Nature Spirits. Continue reading at Peace Villages.


Upcoming Events

"Shamanism Without Borders Conference" with Peruvian Shamans don Martin Pinedo Acuna and Marco Nunez Zamolloa

September 21 - 23, 2012

CCSS is excited to be hosting the 1st Canadian Society for Shamanic Practitioners conference. In this conference we will explore together, how as Shamanic Practitioners, we can respond to the spiritual needs of those who are suffering in this tremendous time of change. How can we be bridge builders bringing balance back to our world? What does 'Shamanism Without Borders' mean and how can we build strong, healthy and vibrant Shamanic Communities, to serve the highest good for the times we are living in?

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Pre-Conference Event: September 20 - 21, 2012

You are also invited to join us as don Martin and Marco will present teachings from the Andes in a special pre-conference event where they will also be available for additional private healing sessions.

Get the details!


Journey Within: Basic Shamanism
September 7 - 9, 2012

Join us in learning the powerful tool of Shamanic Journeying to help strengthen your connection with your inner self while restoring spiritual health and personal power. Led by the beat of a traditional shamanic drum, enter a natural altered state of consciousness exploring hidden worlds traveled by our ancient ancestors.

Watch a video interview with Martha Lucier explaining the benefits of Shamanism.

To register for Basic Shamanism click on this link.

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