November 2013 Holland Focus e-newsletter As with the magazine and our website, information is written in a combination of English and Nederlands and

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November 2013 Holland Focus e-newsletter

As with the magazine and our website, information is written in a combination of English and Nederlands and will keep you up to date with community news and events in Australia, New Zealand and of course, The Netherlands.

Read the special reminder section below about our give-away promotions for magazine readers.

If you are organising a Sinterklaasfeest, Christmas or New Years Eve event, please email the details to if you want us to publish this in our "Events" e-newsletter later this month.

Feedback and contributions are most welcome, please contact

November/December 2013 Holland Focus magazine


November/December 2013 edition

Available by subscription and at major newsagents around Australia.
Published every 2 months, containing an abundance of interesting articles about culture, language, art and people. All with some connection to Nederland. With our many regular features, such as Kaaskoppen, Dutch/Flemish cinema, Kiwikorrels, Verbeeldingen van Ambachten, Book reviews, TaalsTaaltje, What is What?, Club/Community news, etc. etc., we do our best to keep you informed and entertained.
For only AU$32.50 per year you receive our high quality magazine delivered to your door.
(If you live overseas, you can also subscribe: AU$32.50 for New Zealand; AU$50 for other countries). For further details please visit our subscription page

If you are curious to know what a typical Holland Focus magazine looks like, go to our webpage View Online to view a previous copy.

Give-away promotions for our magazine readers

Gerard Willems "The Beethoven-Willems Collection" Box set of 14 CDs + bonus DVD
André Rieu, CD box set of "Music of the Night" or "André Rieu Celebrates ABBA"
What is What? give-away, our regular column/ quiz.

For conditions and details on how to get in the draw for any of these give-aways, read the current Holland Focus magazine edition. To subscribe, please visit our subscription webpage



The Tulip Specialist - 11 Coulson Road, Monbulk


NLA web banner

7 November 2013 till 10 March 2014

Mapping Our World: Terra Incognita to Australia takes us on a journey from ancient and medieval notions of a "great south land" to Flinders' 1814 chart of Australia. The exhibition brings together more than 100 spectacular maps, atlases, globes and scientific instruments from the collections of the National Library of Australia and from Australian and international lenders including the Vatican Library, the British Library and the Bibliothèque nationale de France. Timed to coincide with both the centenary of Canberra in 2013 and the bicentenary of the publication of Matthew Flinders' chart in 2014, the exhibition is a celebration of some of the world's great discoveries, as well as a re-evaluation of Australia's mapping history. These unique works by the greatest names in the history of cartography and exploration including Ptolemy, Mercator, Gerritsz, Ortelius, Dampier, Cook and Flinders will amaze, intrigue and astonish.

Daily, from 10 am (last entry 5 pm)
Free exhibition. Bookings essential:

Looking for a Nanny . . .

Dutch Australian couple, based in Balwyn, Victoria, are looking for a preferably Dutch and English speaking nanny to care for their twins (due mid April 2014).
If you're interested please send your details, resume and references to:


Juffrouw Blom voor Nederlandse kinderen in het buitenland

De software van Juffrouw Blom is zeer geschikt voor de kinderen van expats om de Nederlandse taal op peil te houden en voor emigranten zodat hun kinderen kunnen blijven communiceren met de familie in Nederland. Iedere week een uur op de computer oefenen met taal is voor de meeste kinderen genoeg om bij terugkeer in Nederland gemakkelijk mee kunnen komen in de klas. De software van juffrouw Blom laat je oefenen met de Nederlandse taal en geeft een heldere uitleg aan het begin van elke oefening, maar ook tijdens het oefenen. Om bij te blijven met spelling en woordkennis, is slechts één keer in de twee jaar een nieuwe cd nodig.
Sinds kort zet Juffrouw Blom de online-drempeltoetsen in om kinderen – vaak in een ander deel van de wereld – op afstand te testen. Zij geeft daarmee antwoord op de vraag: ‘Als wij straks terugkomen in Nederland, kan mijn zoon dan mee, qua taal en rekenen in havo2?’
Onze cd’s zijn geschikt voor Windows-pc’s. Voor MAC’s en tablets leveren we dezelfde software in een online-account.
Als u hulp nodig hebt bij het uitzoeken van de juiste software, stuur een email naar:
Onze zojuist vernieuwde website vindt u op: Vanaf deze website kunt u het gratis JuffrouwBlomwoordenboek downloaden.

Ellen, Annelies en Coby Blom

Anne Frank, A history for today


After again a very successful and well-attended stop at Portland and Casterton, the exhibition travelled to the Coal Creek Community Park and Museum in Gippsland, where it stays until 22 December 2013. From there it travels to the Bonegilla Migrant Experience (near Wodonga) until the end of February 2014.
The exhibition travels around major cities and regional towns throughout Australia in this and the coming years. For more information and Travelling dates / Places, go to the Anna Frank website

The worldwide tour is coordinated by the Anne Frank House and is directed at young people from 11 to 18 years old. “The diary of Anne Frank is a book with a strong message which is still relevant for all young people throughout the world: ‘learn to live together with other communities and respect each other’s culture and habits.’ And that is what we want to explain in this exhibition,” according to Ronald Leopold, general director of the Anne Frank Foundation. “We want to pass on the message to the younger generation. Therefore supplementary material such as a catalogue, a DVD and instructions for guides and schools will be part of the exhibition.”


End of Year Dinner 2013


Cloggies Awards


We are counting down the days to our annual NCCA End of Year Dinner and Cloggies Awards on Friday 29 November.

This year we are excited to bring you a truly Dutch dinner with a modern edge by top chef Twan Wijers. We have asked Twan to design a three course menu that reflects some typical Dutch winter dishes whilst keeping in mind that we are nearing Australian summer.

Cloggies Awards
Another important part of the evening is the presentation of the Cloggies Awards. Nominations are now open for these awards. Members are entitled to nominate a fellow NCCA member or themselves for one of the following award categories:
• Contribution to Dutch Community
• Grolsch Best Networker through the Chamber
• Outstanding Achievement
Please send to:

Silent Auction
There is also an opportunity to participate in the silent auction with some great prizes to be won!

Ticket price for NCCA members or non-members: $119pp
To book tickets for this event go to: Trybooking


Click anywhere on the image to make a booking


Sinterklaas - Dutch Borrel Melbourne

Friday 6 december 6:30pm - late
Dutch Club Abel Tasman, 60 Rosstown Road Carnegie
Please RSVP by 1 december: or text/call 0405 014 908

Entry is Free
$5 boutique beers & wine
Dutch beer & food available
REAL Sinterklaas will be present on the night
Bring 3 presents (total value $15) for the games we will play (optional)
Close to train/bus/tram/taxi



De Leesplank is de komende twee weken bezig met de indelingen voor volgend schooljaar. Mocht je geïnteresseerd zijn om je kind / kinderen op te geven, ga dan even naar ons aanmeldingsformulier
Groetjes Alieska


BVN, en je voelt je overal thuis.

De publieke televisiezender voor Nederlandstaligen in het buitenland.
Met sport, actualiteit en entertainment, in je eigen taal.
Kijk voor de gratis digitale nieuwsbrief en de online tv-gids op


Nieuwe Nederlandse juf in Melbourne

Sinds 10 oktober geeft Amy Bastiaansen conversatieles op donderdagavond van 7.30 tot 9 pm bij de Dutch Club in Carnegie in samenwerking met Dutch Connection.
Elke week wordt tijdens de conversatieles een actueel krantenartikel uit Nederland gelezen en besproken. Op deze manier worden leesvaardigheid, luistervaardigheid en spreekvaardigheid geoefend.
Een tweede onderdeel van de les bestaat uit een spellingoefening uit de Methode “Klare taal”. Ten slotte eindigt de les met de hilarische column “Hans” uit het populaire Nederlandse vrouwenmagazine “Libelle”. De nadruk van de les ligt vanzelfsprekend op het converseren.
Iedereen die Nederlands wil oefenen is van harte welkom om deel te nemen aan de conversatieles en Amy ziet je graag verschijnen op donderdagavond bij de Dutch Club in Carnegie.
Voor meer informatie mail naar


Dutch National Museum Gets Home Next to Windmill

FOXTON, New Zealand, November 2013:
The purchase of the Mitre 10 building has been finalised and Horowhenua District Council is now the new owner of this spacious building on the river banks in Foxton. Part of this building will become ‘Onze Plek’ – the new home for the Dutch Connection – our museum and cultural centre.

Now the real work starts!

The Council has appointed Nicki Moen, an experienced community planning consultant, to prepare a brief for an architect. The Dutch Connection had a meeting with Nicki to help her understand our needs within the building. Once this process is finished, architectural drawings can be produced.
Our Dutch Connection board member Lily Frederikse is vital in the dialogue with Nicki. She is an exhibition developer at the Auckland War Memorial Museum, an expert in exhibition planning and design.
We are also lucky to have Peter Fillet, Head of Security of the Auckland War Memorial Museum, as an advisor on building design matters.

Treasurer vacancy
Can we ask for your help? Do you know of somebody with expertise as a treasurer, who would want to join the Dutch Connection Board of Trustees? We would love to hear from you! (or from him / her).
Kees Zegwaard, our current treasurer and member of the Waikato Club, is stepping back. He and his wife Ineke have been dedicated supporters from day one. We’d like to thank both of them for the tremendous work they’ve done for us! After 14 years of spending energy on all kinds of Dutch initiatives, it’s good to see them take things a bit easier.
The Federation of New Zealand Netherlands Societies have been in support of our project right from the start. We like to keep them informed of our progress just like we like to keep you, our supporters, up with the play.

And please don’t forget to help us find a new treasurer!

Een vriendelijke groet,
Arjan van der Boon en Yolande van de Wetering


Netherlands-New Zealand Business Association (NLNZBA)

De NLNZBA in Auckland is nieuw leven ingeblazen!
De NLNZBA organiseert borrels en events voor Nederlanders in Auckland, Nieuw Zeeland. Het doel is het leggen van contacten.
De nieuwe stijl NLNZBA-netwerkborrels zullen vanaf nu actief gepromote worden via de NLNZBA Facebook pagina.
Als je op de hoogte wil blijven wanneer de volgende borrel is, "Like" de Facebook pagina en klik op "Join".

Dutch Playgroups, Clubs, Organisations and Businesses

The list of Dutch Playgroups, Clubs and Businesses is too long for publication in our e-newsletter. Go to Playgroups, Clubs, Businesses and search for a listing in your area about playgroups, social clubs, Dutch language schools, aged care, news and entertainment, etc.
If you would like your contact / website included, please send your details to

Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra - Australia Tour

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click a tile for more info

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Een ieder met informatie over misdaden en gezochte personen, wordt verzocht contact op te nemen met Crime Stoppers. Voor informatie over verschillende gezochte personen is een beloning van $1000 beschikbaar gesteld. U hoeft uw naam niet te noemen. De persoon die belt, krijgt een codenummer toegewezen dat gebruikt moet worden in elk contact met de politie totdat de beloning betaald is. Bel gratis: 1800 333 000.


That's it for now. We hope you enjoyed this edition of the Holland Focus e-newsletter. If you wish to unsubscribe, you can do so by clicking below. If this has been forwarded to you by another reader, please subscribe directly through the form on our website or by emailing to make sure you don't miss out on future editions. If you would like to contribute news or information, please email us. Feedback and advertising enquires are also most welcome.

Click on the icons below to join our Facebook Group or email us. Tot de volgende keer!

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