"I can't believe that," said Alice. "Can't you?" the queen said in a pitying tone, "try again; Draw a long breath and shut your eyes." Alice laughed.

HeaderJoy 12

"I can't believe that," said Alice. "Can't you?" the queen said in a pitying tone, "try again; Draw a long breath and shut your eyes." Alice laughed. "There's no use trying," she said. "One can't believe impossible things." "I dare say you haven't had much practice," said the queen. "When I was younger, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."

~ Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll

And so we begin.


Our embrace and heart connection to joy at times can seem impossible. So can the presence of magic, abundance or fairies dancing outside while we sleep, rearranging little seeds and sleeping under flower pedals.

And what if we never chose to believe, even for 5 minutes in the impossible. The impossible in our own minds.

I have decided to believe in it all. Making impossible, possible. Embracing magic as a value, a power, an everyday possibility.

This time and space, where we step into choosing joy, is to me - magical.

This is not a simple choice. Often it comes from being in a place in our lives where we feel a disconnect to joy; caused by other choices or circumstances where we feel powerless or broken.

Joy becomes our light. The light that has always been inside. Our lights all shine at just the right time.

It doesn't require abundance or a move across the country, although it may result in those things. Joy's light, her softness is a part of us. She is our muse.

Our gorgeous, magical, soft muse.

Are you ready?



Joy is Choice

Lucas alone on beach

Softness, ease, magic.

These are your guides for the next 30 days.

Joy wants you to see her depth and understand that she is always wanting to be with you.

Joy believes in you and will lift you up when you start to make a practice of rituals that feed your spirit.

Each joy up begins with 5 fundamentals. You may already be practicing these, or like me, you fall out of step with them, and need some support to return to the ritual of them.

Wherever you find yourself, remember that these fundamentals are at the heart of discovering an ease and a flow in your life. Each has its own purpose, but all are here to allow more softness in your life. Any ritual will do this for you, but these I love.

If you feel resistance to any of them, just be with that. Don't fight the resistance, lean into it and know that our resistance is always in place for our own growth. Be with it.

The 5 Fundamentals

Lemon water with basil

Stepping into joy. Here is how we start:

Start each day with a large glass of lemon water. It is liver-loving, cleansing-detoxifying, nightly-fast-breaking and just pure body loving.

Lemon water is delicious and will change your body. I've started to add basil too.

Make your bed; it should look and feel beautiful to you. Start with clean sheets and fluff your pillows each day, to clear space and create a sanctuary for rest and supporting your sleep.

This is your number one sacred space.

Find just a few moments of stillness each day, in a chair, lying down, daydreaming in a hammock -here is a link to a guided meditation to get you started- each and every day. This is one of the most important steps. You'll be tempted to skip it. Don't. This is the UP in the Joy UP.

I call this Soft space. Stillness is access into softness and joy.

Each day start with a clear space. A clear space is a clear mind. A clear mind allows for more joy. More joy is what we are after. If you are living in clutter take a few days to give yourself some space by clearing it, just a little bit at a time.

Let your current self love up your future self. This is a gift.

Move your body: a dance, a walk or other creative movements! Just move baby. Dancing strongly encouraged. If you have children involve them in as many of these steps as possible, they will love the dancing one!

When you feel stuck or sad, move.

Private Facebook Group

This is where you can deepen your experience and connect to the gorgeous tribe inside of the joy up. This is optional. No pressure. Only if some connecting feels good!

Click here to join us.

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Hannah on beach

If you need anything, have questions or want to share personally. I'm just on the other side of reply.

Check into the website from time to time as joy will be weaving its way there during the month also.

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