I am sending you this newsletter from Ravenna, Italy where I am installing my upcoming solo exhibition opening in a few days. Winter in my Berlin stud


I am sending you this newsletter from Ravenna, Italy where I am installing my upcoming solo exhibition opening in a few days. Winter in my Berlin studio was spent on developing new work using dense graphite line drawings and video projections combined (some images here.Many of the new works will be shown in Ravenna.
In January I had a trip back to New York which was filled with teaching gigs, studio visits, meetings for planning new projects and time spent with my lovely friends there. I got to feel a bit of the coldest and most snowy NY winter I ever experienced during the 15 years I have lived there before Berlin, while Berlin winter has surprised us all with mildness and sunshine.
Looking forward to spring in Europe with various projects coming up here. I hope to see some of you in Europe before returning to NY by the end of the summer.

Selle uudiskirja saadan teile Ravennast Itaalias, kus hetkel olen oma uut isikunäitust installeerimas. Talv mu Berliini ateljees möödus uute grafiidijoonistuste ja videoprojektsioonide kombinatsiooni hõlmavate tööde loomisel (mõned fotod siin.Paljud nendest töödest saavad ka mu Ravenna näitusel väljas olema.
Jaanuaris käisin tiiru New Yorgis, kus mitmeid kohtumisi uute projektide planeerimiseks, ateljeekülastusi, paar õpetamise otsa ning taaskohtumised heade sõpradega. Sain pisut aimu tollest kõige külmemast ja lumerohkemast talvest, mida mina seal elatud 15 aasta jooksul kogeda olin saanud. Berliini talv aga on samas meid kõiki üllatanud oma pehmuse ning päiksepaistega.
Ees on kevad Euroopas, kus mitmed projektid ootavad. Loodan mitmeid teist Euroopas näha enne kui suve lõpus USAsse tagasi kolin.
Ikka teie,


Hope to welcome you at my first solo exhibition in Italy where I am showing large graphite drawings and video installation. Vernissage on February 21,Gallery Ninapy, Ravenna. More info here
Follow the installation and see exhibition images on my FB artist page. "LIKE" it and they should show up in your feed.


On March, 8th (International Women's Day!) I'll be doing a new performance at Creative Event Space Jäääär in Berlin which opens an exhibition of my wall installation and Tuuli Mann's photographic art. Directions here


I am invited back to Takt Artist Residency in Berlin to give an artist talk. This time I will focus on my more recent work created in Berlin and try to open some aspects working in the borderline of various media.

February, 26 18.00


The global artist network Berlin Collective has embraced me sweetly by supporting my activities as an artist and also invited me to spend a month of Seprember in their residency program in New York. It will be a lovely welcome when I return to USA after a year in Berlin.


In addition to prints of my selected drawings there are few photographic works available now for your shopping pleasure at Imagekind in USA and Artflakes in Europe

They are images of fast moving water droplets catching light on their way. Simple miracles like this and YOU, my dear supporters keep me going on this path as an artist ..

to schedule a studio visit in Berlin contact me by jaanika@highlands.com
to follow studio life in images "like" my FB artist page
to view original work in USA contact Adrienne Conzelman arcfineart@icloud.com or ARC Fine Art
to take a look at my work starting 2011 visit my homepage


"The free soul is rare, but you know it when you see it - basically because you feel good, very good, when you are near or with them ."

_— Charles Bukowski, Tales of Ordinary Madness

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