January 4, 2014 Some links are affiliate links meaning, at no additional cost to you, I may get a small commission if you make a purchase. Thanks for

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January 4, 2014

Some links are affiliate links meaning, at no additional cost to you, I may get a small commission if you make a purchase. Thanks for your support in this way!

1. How to create explainer videos or animated presentations

You've probably seen those cool animated videos that explain a product or service. Have you ever thought about creating your own, for that new ebook, blog, tutorial or project? There's a free online tool called PowToon that helps you do it without a lot of video knowledge.

2. How to choose a book title

David Molnar is a talented professional photographer I met at Declare last year. He's about to launch a new book about iPhone photography and this week he asked his followers on Facebook to help with a book title. He got some great feedback (yay for crowdsourcing!). I chimed in too and this would be my tip to anyone.

3. How to increase your attention span

I'm experimenting with a new tool I found called focus@will. It's based on neuroscience and "uses phase sequenced instrumental music to increase your attention span up to 400% when working, studying, writing and reading." We'll see if it works, but the FAQ page makes me think it might be at least mildly helpful and I need all the help I can get.

4. What if you let people steal your content?

Copyright is a hot topic among writers and bloggers. Most want to protect it, but what if you let it go? One of the most popular bloggers ever, Leo Babauta of Zen Habits, says you are free to steal his content. I like out-of-the-box thinking because many times, the coolest things are sparked when someone does something unexpected.

5. In other news...

This week, this story had me in tears, I confessed my lack of goals and shared the key to the best menu planners. Well, in my opinion anyway. Happy new year!


Do you wonder what other tips I've shared in past useletters? Find every last one of them in the Useletter Archives.


Have a great weekend!

