Hey there lovely, Last week, I told you about my night the yurt. I will say this about myself, I do not give up easily. This week, on our route to

Hey there lovely,

Last week, I told you about my night the yurt.

I will say this about myself, I do not give up easily.

This week, on our route to Portland, Cookie and I decided to give my glamping (glam-camping? oh yes) dreams one more chance by renting the worlds most adorable - and tiny - airstream for a night in Eugene, OR.

It was cute and perfect - but, ultimately, it just wasn't for me.

I really wanted to love the airstream.

I wanted to love it because I wanted to conjure the version of myself that is carefree and hip and fun. The version of myself that is exciting and doesn't live for plush towels and spacious, tiled bathrooms. The version of myself that doesn't adhere to a strict to-do list - the version that is charming and unfettered.

But, in that wanting, I was wishing I was someone else instead of loving - and supporting - the woman that I actually am.

The reality is, I am a woman who loves fancy, cozy hotel rooms, on solid ground, with coffee service. A woman who plans things out and loves having her favorite things nearby. A woman who is lost without her phone, notebook, and a wi-fi connection.

How often does this happen?

How often do we forgo the beauty of who we actually are, because we are trying to fit an idealized version of ourselves?

Someone who is thinner or makes more money or has achieved that effortless yet perfectly coifed hairstyle.

Someone who has someone that loves her.

Someone who knows what to do and isn't paralyzed by indecisions.

Someone who isn't lonely all of the time and is surrounded by a bevy of friends.

Someone who knows who they are, innately.

We will never get to know - or learn to love - ourselves fully if we are constantly trying to be someone else.

If we cannot accept and embrace ourselves, we will never wake up, surrounded by a life that reflects us, feeling at home in our bodies and in our plans.

A life that feels really good - a life that fits you - must to be a life that is grounded firmly in love and respect for yourself.

It must be a life built on trusting yourself and giving yourself permission to be exactly who you are.

I've gotten a couple of emails from women that are hungry to take Body Loving Homework Live with me, but have been feeling afraid of the possibility of this work - afraid of what might happen when they open themselves up to their own desire.

Here's the thing - this work is gentle. It unfolds in parts. You gain access to it as you become more capable of caring for yourself, staying with yourself.

Sometimes you will be staring at the ceiling of your yurt or airstream counting the minutes until the sun rises so you can climb out of bed and get some coffee.

But sometimes an experience will fit like a second skin, cradling you and allowing you to feel perfectly at home in your life.

I want that for you.

Join me. Hit reply to this email if you have questions, doubts, or want to chat about your place in this class.

Above all else, allow yourself to notice and prioritize your experience. You can do it your way. You don't have to fit yourself into a life that is too small.

Give yourself permission to love what you love.


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My name is Mara Glatzel.

I am a :: tender leader, brave lover, deliciously selfish celebrator, and holder of the unholdable.

I work with women that have the sacred (and beautifully stubborn) desire for evolution, teaching them how to grant themselves permission to be exactly who they are in their lives and businesses.

About me I Work with me I Play with me
