8 things to do if you have allergies ▪ Nasal lavage every day. Warm water or weak green tea are great for nasal cleansing. Neti pots are nice but not


8 things to do if you have allergies

Nasal lavage every day. Warm water or weak green tea are great for nasal cleansing. Neti pots are nice but not compulsory. Do not use a neti pot if you think you have a sinus infection. Neti pots can cause sinus infection.
Take Bitters every day for a couple of weeks in spring like green tea, endive, arugula, bitter gourd, chamomile to reset your digestive system.
Eat fermented foods like yogurt, kombucha, kimchi, saurekraut, miso or kefir to get good bacteria into your gut.
Anti inflammaory diet is a great way to combat allergies.
Take an Omega 3 fatty acid supplement. Choose one which was 3:2 EPA to DHA ratio. Ask Dr. Ali at next visit to help if you are not sure what to take.
Gudduchi is a great Ayurveda herb for allergies.
Applying a coat of white sesame oil inside your nostrils with a Q tip blocks pollen attachment to your cells and is very effective in pollen allergies.

Come to Zanjabee workshop on allergy on March 30th: Click here or see below


Allergy Solutions with Ayurveda

According to Ayurveda, allergies develop from 3 conditions:

•Weakness in any of the 13 metabolic fires in our body.

•Accumulation of ‘ama’ or undigested toxins

•Systemic weaknesses.

Ayurvedic intervention for allergies incorporates a three pronged approach of detoxifying the body, igniting the 13 fires and strengthening and rejuvenating body systems.

Dr. Shah will discuss herbs (Turmeric, Indian madder, Kushtha, etc.) effective in each of these interventions and share recipes for some simple home remedies.

Buy Now

March 30, 2013 10:00 am - 12:30 pm


Three person IVF moves closer in Europe

Mothers want to pass only their best to their babies but a group of diseases are passed exclusivley from mothers to their children. Mitochondria are energy powerhouses of human cells and they contain special genes that are passed directly from moms to children. At the time of fertilization, the nucleus of the sperm enters the egg to form the baby. The mitochondria of the egg are passed onto the child as is.
Scientists in UK are now coming up with an innovative 3 person IVF treatment in which nucleus from the egg of the woman with the mitochondrial disease is put into the egg of another woman and then fertilized with a sperm. The resulting fetus would then be transplanted into the uterus.
The treatment is still some ways away from being offered to public. What do you feel about it? Read more

How to Exercise for Weight Loss

Read Zanjabee's new blog posts



In honor of the National Public Health week (April 1-7), Zanjabee is offering Ayurveda initial evlaution at 50% off, for patients who can not otherwise afford the cost . One discounted hour long initial evaluation will be offered every day by prior appointment from April 1st to April 4th. To make an appointment call 781 933 7000

Meditation on Wednesdays is being suspended until September. But do not despair, we will be an announcing a Yoga class soon. Stay tuned!


8 things to do if you have migraines

• Treatment of migraines starts with recognizing your triggers for migraine. Keep a trigger diary until you know what brings on your migraines. Discuss your trigger diary with your doctor.
• Clean up your lifestyle. Move to an anti-inflammatory and unprocessed diet as well as regular and gentle exercise. Heavy tiring exercise may trigger migraines.
• Aviod MSG and artificial food flavors. They are often involved in triggering migraines.
• Get adequate sleep and manage stress proactively to prevent migraines.
• Medications from a group called Triptans (e.g. Sumatriptan or Imitrex) are first line for treatment for acute migraine. Rest and anti-vomiting medications help as well. Triptans loose efficacy if used frequently so prevention of migraines in critical.
• Research shows that Acupuncture is just as effective and has fewer side effects than western meds for prevention of migraines.
• Stress management via biofeedback, meditation, yoga, breath-work or massage is very important for reducing migraine frequency.

Please call Zanjabee at 781 933 7000 or email us at Ask@zanjabee.com for expert help in managing your migraine.

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