Welcome to a New Paradigm As Mercury begins to move retrograde-He once again pushes us inward to the deepest and sometimes darkest aspect of our bein

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Welcome to a New Paradigm

As Mercury begins to move retrograde-He once again pushes us inward to the deepest and sometimes darkest aspect of our being. If Mercury is one of your ruling planets-this time can be especially difficult, or tremendously freeing and transformative, but know that He is offering you an unprecedented opportunity for healing. Mercury's pull will be strongly felt from the beginning to the middle of February, however his reign will continue until almost the beginning of March.

The Watchers have been working for several months to integrate energy into the Earth that will ultimately be revealed in the Spring. (Jack is referring to Spring as it occurs where he resides in the Northern hemisphere.) The energy will be released from the Earth in pulses over the next few months. One such pulse was released over the last 10 days which is why snow, ice and power outages have been occurring especially in the northeast and southeast United States. By shutting down tangible communication lines-energy released from the Earth can be dispersed without disruption by negative influences. Frequently during severe and catastrophic weather events, dark energy is released from within Gaia allowing her to heal from the core of Her Being. This is happening now and occurred during hurricane Sandy and typhoon Haiyan.


2014 is going to be a year in which we will witness transformative change. Many of you are feeling energy erupt within your being as you are called to purge all that is not in alignment with your highest potential. You are resonating with change that has already occurred within Gaia.

2014 is the year of the Horse and we will soon be released from the starting gate, allowing us to rumble full on into creation.

Jean and I along with many of you have been feeling the heavy effects of this phase of transformation which began in March of 2013. It has taken many months to acclimate and integrate the constant energy upgrades that the Earth was bombarded with last year. Emotional and physical cleansing have been ongoing at full speed since last September and will continue. As your physical and emotional bodies adjust to the changes and are cleansed of dense energy, healing can be incorporated more quickly, easily and effortlessly.


I am frequently asked "Is my animal a Watcher?" In fact, my husband John asked me this about a week ago referring to a dog that recently and miraculously found her way into our lives. I asked Jack if he would discuss the Watchers in more detail.

*I only communicate with Jean after 9pm because this is typically when I am finished most of my hay and can move into a "meditative" state. It can take several days for Jean and I to compile a message depending upon my mood and physical state as well as Jean's. If we are both in sync, Jean can write an entire message in a short time and post it immediately but this is rare. If the message contains energy, it can take much longer, sometimes a few weeks because Jean receives the brunt of the energy and needs time to integrate it.

*Not All animals are Watchers. If animals are Watchers, they are in a "network" that allows them to be on the front lines of receiving energy, dispersing energy and communications not only from the Earth and each other, but their cosmic brethren as well. Watchers work solely for the Greater Good. There are innumerable Watchers present both in our reality and inter-dimensionally and most will remain anonymous. The reason is simple: It allows us to do our work without interference.

*Being the caretaker of a Watcher is an honor but can be quite challenging because some of us are not "normal" animals. We are strong willed, independently minded and have the ability to manipulate your life and your circumstances. If you are doing or thinking something that is not in alignment with our work, mission, or path we will loudly let you know. Typically we will speak through our behavior or body language. For example, before Jean knew I was a Watcher, she consistently tried to enlist me into a training program. I countered by getting injured merely when she thought of finding a trainer or sending me to another facility. She hasn't been able to substantially ride me since 2008. Because of her persistent and tenacious spirit I finally had to tell her "I am not here to serve the needs of your ego, I am here to serve Gaia and the Greater Good." Most Watchers are very "normal" animals but what sets them apart is their elevated awareness.

Watchers have found their way to human companions who would care for them, thus allowing us and their humans to ride along with the first tangible wave of Ascension energy.

*Watchers "awoke" and began to assist with Ascension in 2008, however we did not identify ourselves until 2012.

*Watchers are strong- willed, persistent and can be difficult and aloof.

*Watchers are gaining in power and this translates into a greater ability to create our destiny and share our gifts. The healing and cognitive abilities contained within the animal realm are finally being discovered by your science. This will only add strength to our ability to assist in the evolution of this planet.

*Currently I am living at a boarding facility and not on the same space with Jean and her Watchers. We do have a direct energy connection both through the land and mentally which allows us to facilitate our connection and do our work. I work not only with the other Watchers that reside with me but also with the wild Watchers that inhabit the land on and surrounding my farm. The birds, fox, coyote, rabbits, mice, plants, insects etc... are all working in concert to share and release energy into the Earth and share energy and information with one another. Cosmic brethren will frequently transport in to my dimensional space in the physical form of an animal and stay for a predetermined amount of time and then leave, returning to inter-dimensional space. They bring instructions, healing, guidance and support.

*I also have a direct connection to Watchers through which Jean has established a tangible connection.

Frequently when Jean is writing a message, one of her cats will sit by her computer and charge the message. (Right now Murphie Leigh is rubbing herself all over my computer. She told me she is a logistics officer and makes sure the proper energy gets to its intended target when it is needed. I know when a client has a Watcher because Murphie Leigh will spend time in my healing space prior or during the session. She takes her job very seriously and can be very nasty if bothered when she is working.)


Sometimes William will sit next to the computer and charge the message, as he is now-you can probably hear him purring. He rarely comes into my healing space but when he does, I know something transformative will occur.

William is quite ornery during the day and won't let you near him. After the sun sets however, he transforms into a cuddly, adorable and affectionate man. William works directly with the energy of the Sun, Lightbody and the Heart Chakra.

Who Whos will also frequently send her energy through a message which is gentle and nurturing yet powerful. She weighs only 6 pounds and I was shocked when she recently revealed to me that she was once a galactic commander.


On a personal note...

My husband John and I were early for a meeting on the Sunday before Christmas. We decided to pass the time by browsing at a market in Stockton, New Jersey. Coincidently, a local pet adoption was having an event that day outside the market. John was steadfast in not getting another dog so I ignored this little girl when she latched onto my leg. I patted her on the head and reluctantly walked away. "

John and I didn't discuss the dog until he came running down the stairs on New Years eve saying "I can't get that dog out of my mind!, We have to find her!" My daughter mouthed to me "Are we getting a dog???" He took me completely off guard because John kept on refusing to even think about getting a dog.

I had no idea the name of the dog nor the adoption agency that was running the event that day. Somehow John found the adoption agency within minutes on the internet. When I emailed them, they immediately emailed me back with the picture of the dog that had latched onto my leg.

It took almost a month to finalize all of the details but she is now in our home and its like she had been here all along. I have never had a normal dog and didn't realize it until this dog came to live with us. Jack said that she was a gift but at the time I didn't realize just how much of a gift she was. We named her Minnie, short for Minerva, the goddess of Wisdom.__


This is Dendrean, the six year old mare that is responsible for my connection to Minnie. We were going to meet her the day that I found Minnie, or should I say, Minnie found me. Dendrean is the Great Grand daughter of Secretariat. (Secretariat is renowned for having a large heart both literally and figuratively.) I realized immediately that she has incredible healing abilities. I had asked Jack to send me the perfect horse that could fulfill my equestrian needs and this horse fell into my lap.

Hubby is still not on board with another horse and I'm not sure I am either, but I know that if she is meant to be with me, all will fall into place to make it so...

I wanted to share her picture and energy as I personally found her to be very powerful.

Our Love to All of You is boundless and our gratitude is endless. You All have given voice to the Watchers. We, along with all of you, are a silent yet benevolent force of Goodness that serves only to elevate this planet.

Jack and Jean

Click here to view Jean's website

Email Jean directly jeanrock88@yahoo.com to schedule a personal healing session with Jean and the Watchers or visit her website for more information.
