Good morning lovely, This week has been a week of venturing, a week of tearing out into the unfamiliar. It has brought the dividends of the last six

Good morning lovely,

This week has been a week of venturing, a week of tearing out into the unfamiliar. It has brought the dividends of the last six months of ripening.

I am an incubator.

I am the type of person who holds new concepts sacred, close and deep, as they germinate. In the quiet dark and warm environment that I supply to these dreams, they begin to bud and grow steadily. Until, always, the moment when they bust through, spilling over in lush green and fully grown.

The thing about this kind of work - the work of becoming who you really are - is that it comes in waves, layers. It sweeps you up like the coming tide, lulling up back and forth until the crest of the wave.

It can look like you are doing nothing at all for alarming long periods of time. But during those moments of nothing, you are drawing inspiration and courage close, building up reserves deep beneath your skin, until the moment when you are truly ready.

In yesterday's post on Doing the "Hard" Things, I wrote something that I've never felt the liberty to say before. I said: Some people really adore a life like that. My work is not for those people.

My work is not for those people.

Seven words. Seven seemingly harmless words. It has taken me a lifetime to utter those words aloud.

My work is not for those people - no blame, no judgment. A simple fact. And, the underlying truth: I am not for those people.

How often do we keep ourselves small, pleasing everyone in our near vicinity, in order to prove to ourselves that we are good enough? That we've done a good enough job?

Over my lifetime, I have been successful in being extremely palatable. Of appealing to everyone. Of phrasing my words in a particularly way or subtly shifting the lighting, so that I am good, I am safe. This is something that many of us do on some level. It is a survival mechanism.

But, something magic happens when you are willing to stand in your truth and say: I like myself for who I am and what I offer the world, and if someone doesn't want me that way, their lack of participation does not diminish my worth.

My worth is inherent. I own that. I embody that. It fills my veins and spills out of the portal of my heart-center when I stand in my truth.

While I'm on a roll, there are a couple of things that I'd like to share with you.

No. 1: In November, I became a certified CCT practitioner and healer. This means that energy work is now an essential part of every coaching session and every group that I run. This energetic component allows sessions to be super-charged and radically transformational. Oh yes.

No. 2: A huge portion of my private coaching practice over the last six months has been working with entrepreneurs and heart-centered business owners cultivate businesses that are filled to the brim with ease, joy, and abundance. If you want to do that kind of work with me, I've created a page just for you.

No. 3: I teach women how to grant themselves permission to be exactly who they are, and I would love to teach you, if you are hungry for more out of your daily life.

No. 4: I adore you. Truly. I want to know you. I want to usher you into my classroom in whatever way you are ready for. Hit reply to this email if you want to tell me what you need or how I can better serve you.

Loving you so much right now.


Intuitive coach. Rampant permission granter. High priestess of daily celebration.

My name is Mara Glatzel. I teach women how to grant themselves permission to be exactly who they are.

I work with women that have the sacred (and beautifully stubborn) desire for evolution.

About me I Work with me I Play with me
