It's Spring: New Projects Sprouting & A New Website! Hello there! Here in Ojai, the weather is delightful, and the blossoms are in full bloom. Since

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It's Spring: New Projects Sprouting & A New Website!

Hello there!

Here in Ojai, the weather is delightful, and the blossoms are in full bloom. Since the start of the season, a number of new projects have been sprouting up... Yes indeed, SPRING HAS SPRUNG.

Also I've been working on my website with new updates. Please feel free to poke around here. Recent projects are included, most notably my Tiny House project.

In this newsletter, I tried to exercise the art of brevity, so this one is short(er) and hopefully sweet(er). I know your time is valuable, so it warms my heart when many of you take the time to reach out and give feedback, especially positive ones - smile.

I am grateful to all of you, my readers, and for your continued interest, support and enthusiasm in my work. Quite simply, THANK YOU.

Warmest wishes,

IMG 0475 - Version 3

Vina Lustado


Tiny House Construction Continues


Wood framing for the walls are complete. Next phase: roof framing.

Most of you know about my fascination with Tiny Houses. The decision to design and build one for myself is based on my own philosophy that reflects so much of the Tiny House movement regarding simplicity, sustainability, and living within one's means.

The process of designing a house within such limited space has taught me a lot. It forced me to ask the question: What do I REALLY need? After stripping it down to the bare essentials, I realized not much. Rather than feeling constrained and limited, I found the process liberating.

At a time of economic distress, consumer excess, and environmental degradation, the Tiny House movement is a breath of fresh air. It is an inspiring solution that resolves many of the daunting issues we face today.

You can follow the progress of the build on my Facebook page. Since many of you are not on Facebook nor fans of social media, I am working on a new website dedicated to my Tiny House project. In the next few weeks, I will be announcing its launch. Stay tuned!

Want to Make a Difference?
Come Out and Play with the Green Coalition


After a successful fundraising campaign and meeting the $10,000 matching challenge fund, OVGC is on track to accomplish great things in 2013. To all of you who donated to the campaign, we can't THANK YOU enough for your support!

But let's not stop there! If you are itching to give back to your community and want to help the environment, opportunities abound! Click on the items below:

OVGC HAS MOVED Come to the new office space in downtown Ojai! Drop by and say hello!
EARTHPLAY EVENT Coming to Ojai on April 20
GREEN HOME TOUR Interested in spearheading this event? Contact me!
SOLARIZE OJAI A great opportunity to go solar!

Take action now, empower yourselves, and BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE...

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