Just Arrived in our Shop! I'm sure many of you will be excited to see the return of Andrea Victoria from My Mind's Eye! It's easy to see why this ran

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Just Arrived in our Shop!

Andrea Victoria Poster
finished project closed t w600 h600

Click here for the Writedy Tidey pocket organizer tutorial!

I'm sure many of you will be excited to see the return of Andrea Victoria from My Mind's Eye! It's easy to see why this ranks as one of the most beloved lines from Riley Blake, with it's trio of colors on a classic black and white palette. Pops of turquoise, mustard and purple add a modern touch to a sophisticated theme.

We have the line available in full, both in yardage and Fat Quarter Bundles. And head over here for the Free Quilt Project Download!

Snippet 2 heather

Andrea Victoria quilted by Tamarack Shack!


Quilt from Teaginny featuring Andrea Victoria


Thank you so much for reading along with us, and for your continued support of our little shop!

Happy Sewing,
Lindsay and Charlie

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