Heart Healing Newsletter Welcome to this heart MAIL newsletter. ISSUE 44, 22nd November, 2013 In this newsletter: ▪ Transitioning with Your Pathfin

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Heart Healing Newsletter

Welcome to this heart MAIL newsletter. ISSUE 44, 22nd November, 2013

In this newsletter:

Transitioning with Your Pathfinder
New Mini E-Book: AWAKENING: Emotional Guides & Animal Totems in the Heart Healing Symbols Series.

Wishing you much joy during the Christmas and New Year Season.

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Transitioning with Your Pathfinder

Disillusionment, confusion, struggling with identity are hallmarks of TRANSITION. Light always follows otherwise it wouldn’t be transition.

Do you want more enlightenment? A lot of people resist transition and therefore never allow themselves to discover the beauty of who they really are. Resistance will reinforce and attract more difficulties for ourselves. Resisting changes or struggling with everything falling apart only makes things worse. Are you stuck in struggle? Or flowing in the creativity? Healing yourself is done by allowing the energies to move through you to create a greater transformation. We either allow our CREATIVE energies to flow through us or we mix up (the letters) to be REACTIVE.

You might feel both helpless and hopeless without a sense of a 'map' for the journey. The only thing we can count on is that nothing can be counted on and when this knowing comes we move from expectation to allowance. This is an era of particularly momentous change proceeding at an ever quickening rate. And often there is no ‘map’. Expecting a ‘map’ can increase the struggle. If you've been feeling uncomfortable lately you are definitely not alone. Embrace the change, no matter what it is. Embracing does not mean you have to like the changing. Embracing means not resisting and choosing to be in a place of allowance. The recent transition has been mammoth in the opportunities to cleanse, reconsider priorities, and focus on allowing new habits to replace old patterns.

Flowing with the many varied cycles bring ease. This season’s cycle is winding down now. The wellbeing of the organs which cleanse during the present season determines the wellness for the next set of organs turning on their fullest function. Did you notice major and sudden serious dis-eases in many people during the last three months? They were the result of unresolved issues from the previous season. Be aware of different types of dis-eases or symptoms in the coming three months. They are more opportunities to resolve the source of the dis-ease.

Care for your body as you would your motor vehicle. Regular maintenance will ‘nip in the bud’ any issues that have the potential to be a problem. We all have weak areas. A symptomatic organ usually has is root cause in a completely different area, most likely our weak area which may be asymptomatic.

The particular focus of change this year has been for healing and allowing our real nature to be expressed in relationships and family. It’s been a transitioning from ‘Me' to 'We'. The ‘M’ being turned upside down to become a ‘W’. Deep seated patterns that emerged and were addressed in the last couple months are being slowly transformed. Events bringing these patterns to the surface have been physical illness or external situations affecting the mind or emotions. The events are touching us at our most vulnerable areas. Allow life to flow around you. Flow with the cycles instead of resisting them. That's where magic and creativity can occur.

"Tuning in" to your magic and creativity will bring greater breakthroughs and learning in 2014. It will lessen the attraction for "wake up calls”. 2014 particularly holds the universal energy for seeking a deeper understanding into your inner nature. Much will be gained through reflection and personal fine-tuning. Time alone will often be needed in order to quieten your mind and get in touch with what really matters to you.

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You may not be consciously aware of your future’s ‘map’ however the pathfinder, the way shower, within you has already paved the way for you. Accessing this aspect of yourself and taking action to move beyond the limiting hindrances and blocks, brings much comfort, peace and contentment.

The beautiful multidimensional energy of the pathfinder can be experienced while holding the Transition card. Turning to the Heart Healing Symbol Cards have been a lifeline and opens a way to direct energy inside the chaos.

For support and guidance in clearing energy blocks Contact Faye for a transformative session. Local and Distant Sessions (Phone or skype)

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New Mini Book: AWAKENING

MINI E-BOOKS: Emotional Guides & Animal Totems in the Heart Healing Symbols Series.

Are you ready to discover that emotional discomfort, obstacles and blocks are opportunities to experience more of your real nature and expression of higher consciousness?


a greater depth to the Awakening Card
your personal tools that actually keep you asleep.
how to use the awakening tools.
a foundational tool to maintain awareness and awakening
the animal totem and the emotional guides for awakening
awakening your inner guru to explore the dimensions beyond the reality of your current experience
a greater depth of dimensional levels through the Heart Healing Symbol Series.

Order here your 42 page E-Book on the Awakening Card in the Mini Book Heart Healing Symbols Series.


The Power of Your Spirit

If you are receiving these newsletters and did not receive your free sample, you can access the pdf file of Sample of The Power of Your Spirit.

"I have never read such wonderfully clear explanations as you have so eloquently written. I love it so much. I think it will be the missing key I have needed to bring the REALITY of the work I do."
D. Grover, Naturopath, Murray Bridge, South Australia.

Order here

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Heart Healing Symbol Cards

Healing and transformative energies are embedded in these multi dimensional Shamanic Healing Tools.

Discover these energies through your personal use of the Heart Healing Symbol Cards.

Receive an indepth reading and healing/transformative session Contact Faye for an appointment.
Local and Distant Sessions (Phone or skype)

Click here to download Heart Healing Symbol Cards Quick Reference Application Chart pdf

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E-Book: ABUNDANCE, Fulfilling Your Desires with Effortless Ease

You are being given Power to make wealth to facilitate what you want to do in your life. Discover how in returning and rest; in quiet confidence you experience abundance, freedom and power.

Order here

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Faye Rosie

Naturopath, Shaman, Medical Intuitive

ND, TWM, Dr Traditional Medicine (Colombo) - Naturopathy, not a GP


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