Heart Healing Newsletter Welcome to this heart MAIL newsletter. ISSUE 38, 26th May, 2013 In this newsletter: ▪ Living in Grace - no 'shoulds' or 'h

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Heart Healing Newsletter

Welcome to this heart MAIL newsletter. ISSUE 38, 26th May, 2013

In this newsletter:

Living in Grace - no 'shoulds' or 'have to'
How to get enlightening transformation using a sequence of the Heart Healing Cards

living in grace

Living in Grace – no ‘shoulds’ or ‘have to’

Within us are two opposing systems:

1. Rules and survival. This aspect runs automatically and is a default system for us to exist at the level of stimulus and response.
2. Grace and thrival. Grace does not run automatically. Grace is at the centre of higher functions for connection to the empowerment within. This aspect of ourselves requires us to take action to access the unlimited power of ease for thriving in wellbeing. Without taking action to choose this system, our default system of restrictive laws and rules operates.

To create balance, these two systems work as adversarial allies. Their task is to create a harmonious union within our awareness.

Not following a set of rules and doing whatever we want--in the hope that we will be free from the fear and bondage of laws and rules--is not grace. It is still fear and control that has its base in the default system of survival. Grace follows when we choose (action) the guidance of enabling power within; choosing the awareness that gives clarity and insight to make wise decisions. There are no ‘shoulds’ or ‘have to’ with grace. Grace enables or empowers us to spontaneously act rightly and correctly with ease and joy.

If the body is giving messages through, e.g. an ear problem, it is not often enough to just think “I am not wanting to hear.” It is more useful to move beyond that mental knowledge, and open ourselves to grace for transforming the underlying disturbed patterns. Then we notice our experience of comfort and wellness. Symptoms of dis-ease rarely originate in the symptomatic area. Grace enables us to discover the source of pain and hurting. The ears might be found to be a symptom of a disturbed energetic pattern within the fallopian tubes, or kidneys, or anywhere. Grace is the wrapping of loving arms around us to soothe and release the deeper pain - then the ear problem is transformed in beautiful empowering ways to hear without the threatening and painful challenges. This is revitalisation and rejuvenation at its best.

During this month of May, grace was giving us the energy and power for choosing to step though the portal of double new beginnings. The opportunity manifested as the stress of the intensity of the unexpected. Being uncomfortable gives us a choice to open to grace within and to choose to transform old issues into freedom. June expands us further to embrace more of the duality of our two aspects for being fully human and fully divine. The energy of June also creates a space to move toward a higher level of authenticity by working with the obstacles and the unexpected to experience being highly creative. Grace always draws us towards our real inner nature.

The conscious direction of grace will offer choices to transform. If we are not willing, grace reflects that energy back towards us subjecting us to the ancient laws of survival. Survival patterns to avoid the discomfort of messages for embracing our duality include behaviours that will shut down our life force, e.g. the fallopian tubes. The lungs bring in the life force. The kidneys store the life force. Both when disturbed can manifests at our support system - back or hip problems. Treating the symptoms of back problems without resolving the organ or part disturbing the back will have limited effect. Treating the symptoms of survival without entering into the action for thrival will be limiting.

Grace is always freely available. July will continue with the unexpected. Expect the unexpected. Give attention to your experiences. Within them are the answers you have been wanting. The unexpected brings to the surface whatever we have been ignoring or suppressing. The unexpected is prompting us to shift in a new direction to embrace more of our duality. This tension and discomfort is healthy. Grace allows us the choice to use the tension to transform, or allows us to suffer the consequences of wreaking destruction on us. The tension is intense. Working with this tremendous transformative power is laying a strong foundation to bring total renewal. It will eternally ground you. The whole of this year holds the power for thinking out of the box. July will bring a double opportunity to do so. As we welcome the unexpected and unknown we will return to our calm roots.

Our physical, mental and emotional symptoms are clues or messages surfacing to transform us for vibrancy, peace and wellbeing through grace. Grace is the enabling of power for spontaneously acting rightly and correctly. Without choosing grace our default system of rules and survival kick in.

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Heart Healing Symbol Cards

How to get enlighening transforming

Using a sequence of Heart Healing Cards not only reveals the core issue and supports you in wisdom and knowledge but heals and transforms you to open to new and deeper power that resides within. The following Celtic Cross Card Layout can do this for you:

Card 1: Core Issue.
What is happening at the present time.

Card 2: Assist.
This card represents the potential factors concerning the Core Issue that can assist. The obstacles, challenges or forces that may be in your way.

Card 3: Resolve. Something that you may intuitively know that needs dealing with and perhaps put off.

Card 4: Support. Foundation. Reassuring energy that offers support and security when needed.

Card 5: Recent Influences.
The influences of which is now being transformed, and is usually somehow connected to the present issue. Whatever recent events have effected this situation should be waning.

Card 6: Close Future.
Shows events that sit in the near future.

Card 7: Present Feelings.
How you feel at the moment: doubts, fears, anxieties. Joyful experiences will also show up here depending on the core issue.

Card 8: External influences. Social.
People around you and how they might help or hinder you and is also connected to the core issue.

Card 9: Hopes and/or fears.
This is the inner most feelings on the situation, it can bring out hopes, fears and other deep rooted or hidden emotions; yet offers reassurance regarding doubts and insecurities. Hopes and fears are closely intertwined, therefore that which we hope for may also be that which we fear, and so may fail to happen. Sometimes it is useful to draw a second card for clarification after the reading has been laid and to read the two together.

Card 10: Outcome.
Representative of where the situation is headed and if/how the issue will be resolved. It assumes the outcome is based on taking action and maintaining changes. This card is connected to the 6th.

Be flexible with the layout. For example, while doing a 10 card spread with a client, an issue surfaced regarding a relative with the "Recent Influence". Another card was chosen to assist this Card 5 for healing the relative.

To receive an indepth reading and healing/transformative session Contact Faye for an appointment.
Local and Distant Sessions (Phone or skype)

Click here to download Heart Healing Symbol Cards Quick Reference Application Chart pdf

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Faye Rosie

Naturopath, Shaman, Medical Intuitive

ND, TWM, Dr Traditional Medicine (Colombo) - Naturopathy, not a GP


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