JANUARY 2013 NEWSLETTERNew year - new me? New year always brings the necessity to think if there is something one should change or aim for something

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New year - new me?

New year always brings the necessity to think if there is something one should change or aim for something great.

I read an article about New Year's resolutions and this really started resonating in me, and not in a totally positive way.

Why do we always think we are not enough as we are, we are somehow better if we do a bit more push-ups, run a bit more during the week, do something "useful" more often or eat less chocolate?

It is worth thinking where these beliefs come from. If they truly serve you and your genuine well-being or an inner goal you really want to accomplish, go ahead. But if it is this the nasty critic, almost an outside voice inside you that only demands but never gives the credit, let it go. I do not say a little self-discipline is needed sometimes, but many people I have encountered, simply overdo it. We have a very strong inner voice and it is not always coming from our own soul. You may ask yourself, who is it actually speaking when you are criticizing or minimizing yourself. Is this the way I want to talk to me?

It is as important to tell yourself that you love yourself no matter what. That you appreciate, respect, love and admire yourself truly.

I hope you find your balanced way of being during this year, peacefully with yourself. With everything that you are.

As self-love is the key to everything.

"Your inner beauty needs no make-up"

Food focus: Beans

Beans, or legumes, including peas and lentils, are an excellent source of plant-based protein. Beans are found in most traditional cultures as a staple food, offering grounding and strengthening properties that enhance endurance. They offer a highly usable, highly absorbable source of calcium for the body. A very inexpensive source of high nutrition, beans can be rich, delicious and satisfying,

Lack of sexual energy is often due to overtaxed adrenal glands and kidneys. Beans are known for strengthening these organs (ever noticed the shape of a bean?) and can help restore vital energy as well as sexual energy.

Beans have a reputation for causing digestive distress, but this is usually because they have been undercooked or improperly prepared. To help reduce gas-forming properties, soak beans overnight prior to cooking, increase cooking time, add spices like bay leaf, oregano or cumin, or add kombu (a sea vegetable) when cooking

Recipe for the month: Really easy beans and greens


3 cloves garlic
2 tblspoons crushed ginger
big bag of spinach
1/2 can of beans of any kind
(sliced mushrooms)
Sea salt
Cayenne pepper

Take a big saucepan, put some olive and/or coconut oil in it and stir the garlic and ginger in the oil. Add big box of spinach and let it stir until dark green. Add on top canned beans to your taste. You can also fry sliced mushrooms and mix. Add a bit of sea salt and cayenne pepper or chili on top before serving. Super nutritious and good ! Try it ! Ready in 5 minutes.

What's new with Mixing Nuts



By FB audience's request I have held 2 successful cooking classes and what fun we have had ! This will continue on a small scale, next session is already booked.

NOW, For New Year's sake, the first 3 to sign up for my holistic wellbeing program will get 15 % off the total price.
Pls contact me in the mail address below.

Could one conversation change your life?

Contact me, let us schedule a free health consultation session

mixingnuts@gmail.com or +358 46 6004610.

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