Heart Healing Newsletter Welcome to this heart MAIL newsletter. ISSUE 32, 26th October, 2012 In this newsletter: ▪ How Integration Assists the Asce

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Heart Healing Newsletter

Welcome to this heart MAIL newsletter. ISSUE 32, 26th October, 2012

In this newsletter:

How Integration Assists the Ascension Process
Food for Thought - JUICING for HEALTH

Integration SQ

How Integration Assists the Ascension Process

Numbness, apathy, emptiness, addictions, physical illness, and poor immunity can be signs of soul loss. All parts of us need to be integrated to experience wholeness. The Healing Healing Symbol Card, INTEGRATION, assists retrieving 'lost' and misaligned parts of you.

You are a triune being consisting of a spirit, a soul and a body

• Your spirit communicates with the spiritual world
• Your body communicates with the physical world
• Your soul, located between spirit and body, enables your spirit and body to communicate

Think of your three fold nature like the three parts of a fruit

The fruit’s skin is an analogy of your physical body; the flesh as your soul parts of mind, will and emotions; and the seed as your spirit. The flesh is not in the skin. The seed is not in the skin.

When parts of us misalign, they can merge with a completely different energy type causing dysfunction of the whole.

Your Soul consists of Thoughts, Will and Emotions

Your soul, having free will, decides whether the spirit, or soul, or the body will be in control as the part ruling.

When the mind, will and emotions misalign, free flow of communication from our spirit is limited. We find it difficult to think clearly, make decisions, and allow emotions to give us beneficial messages from our spirit. It is difficult for the will to make the best choices when the will part of our soul is misaligned or in a non-useful place.

With integration you will be able to know
what you need to know,
when you need to know it.

Misalignment of spirit, soul and body

Misalignment frequently occurs when the mind, will and emotions come INTO the physical body. Parts can also go to other realities. The spirit can be ‘twisted’ or ‘facing’ an incorrect direction, making it difficult to receive spirit's messages.

Body - Soul - Spirit are harmonised when in alignment. When the soul parts (mind, will and emotions) shift to a non ideal location, e.g. in the body or somewhere else, we can also be susceptible to attachment of negative intrusions, implants or negative entities. These negative 'programmes' act as controlling behavioural influences.

Causes of Soul Parts Fragmenting away from Spirit, Soul and Body

Soul loss can occur during traumas such as incest, abuse, accidents, surgery, illness, miscarriage, addictions, the death of a loved one – anything whereby we feel traumatised and, in order to survive the experience, a part of us separates to escape the full impact of the pain. If we were to remain totally present during such trauma, we may not be able to stand the pain and survive.

A gap in memory, especially after aged five is common in soul loss. A person may recall a trauma, but cannot remember the surrounding details because the part that holds the memories has left, so the information may not be available. Iris analysis reveals breaks in the autonomic nervous system at the age soul loss occurred.

A soul part can be ‘stolen’ by a dominant, controlling and abusive person. I retrieved a client’s soul part that was trapped as though in a fortress. The soul part was ‘stolen’ by her dominating mother.

Empathy and Soul Loss

An empath is a person who feels what another being is feeling as though it is his or her own feeling, without losing the recognition that it is the other’s feelings. With difficulties in handling the power of empathy, exchange of a soul part can occur. You walk away being traumatised because the other person’s soul part holding the pain joined with you.

Soul Retrieval brings Understanding

“Years of never quite understanding why you feel and act in certain ways begin to make sense and become simplified. There can be a sense of pure wonderment experienced after leaving a session.

“Everything in nature looked brighter and clearer,” said Heather.

Describing the soul integration to Heather, I said, “A young child part of you in a room, was entering through a heavy metal door with bars that reminded me of a bank’s vault door….”

“My dad was a banker and I used to hide in that room,” replied Heather.“
(The Power of Your Spirit)

After a soul retrieval the eyes can look bright and shiny where previously there was dullness. Loved ones have been known to say: “your eyes look alive, you’ve come home, I have never seen you look so good.”

The Ascension Process becomes smoother and easier when integrating our soul parts.

The vital energy and gifts of these parts become accessible again making it possible to accomplish more and achieve spiritual goals. It is easier to detach from collective consciousness programming and be our true self. Everything is better. We can more easily build the connection with the direct access to our Higher Self when we are integrated. This is the goal of Ascension.

Ultimately, our goal is to align our soul parts with our Higher Self for oneness of purpose. Our will wills the Will of God. Our mind communicates with the Mind of God. Spirit’s energy in motion freely gives messages through our emotions. Any suppression or misaligned parts limits the ascension process or the oneness and unifying that we desire.

Mercury retrograde begins on the 6th November. Mercury rules how we think and communicate. Mercury retrograde is a great opportunity to bring things to the surface for integration. Now is the time to thrive in integration, rather than survive the disharmony.

Further information Heart Healing Symbol Cards
or book an appointment with Faye Rosie for a transformative healing session either locally or a disant skype session.

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The digestive processes required to separate nourishment from the fibre takes around 3- 5 hours.

Digesting whole vegetables and fruits use energy. A portion of the "solid" food is used as fuel to generate this energy. Drinking fresh raw juices is entirely different; the juices are used almost entirely in the nourishment and regeneration of the cells, tissues, glands and organs of the body. Juices are absorbed into your bloodstream within minutes, compared to the 3-5 hours with the fibre.


The basic key to the value of nourishing the body is the life present in the food. The elements within this life are enzymes. Enzymes enable us to break down food so that it can be digested and absorbed into the blood stream. What happens when you are low in enzymes? Your body stores waste and weight. You become unwell. Fresh juices are abundant in enzymes, but only if consumed straight away. Drink your fresh juice within 10 minutes of making, otherwise the enymes will have been destroyed.

Do not drink your juice any closer than 10 minutes before food or 1 hour after food.

Should you drink your juices with food or to close to digestion, the juice combines with the fibre food. The greater value of the juice will be lost since it goes through the normal digestive process with the fibre food. Consumed separately from eating food, you will benefit from the juices entering the blood stream within minutes.

Keep Juices Separate without adding Supplements and Fibre

Since the juice is absorbed straight into your blood stream instead of going through the normal digestive process, do not add anything else to your juice, e,g. supplement powders or vitamised nuts or seeds. Use these another time, after the juices have been directly absorbed into your blood stream. It is also best not to dilute your juice with water. The fruit and vegies are whole in themselves without changing the juice by diluting it. Nature would have added more fluid if it was needed.

Juices are Not a Complete Meal

Juices are great for detoxifying and regenerating your tissues. They are not meant, long term, to take the place of meals. Fibre contains no nourishment but serves a very useful and much needed purpose as an “intestinal broom”. Without fibre as roughage, the colon—and the body as a whole—cannot be maintained in a healthy condition. Juicing gives your digestive system a temporary short rest.

Suggested Beneficial Juices

BEETROOT, PINEAPPLE, CARROT, SPINACH to which you can add parsley and ginger.

There are seasons when the delicious beetroot and carrot are yuk. They can taste irony, earthy or strong. If you are new to juicing and find your juice awful – don’t give up. The vegies do become tasty again. If they are unpleasant perhaps use less of the strong tasting ones and test how well you handle extra pineapple to aid the flavour. Greens like spinach are strong tasting and are best used in small quantities. Limit the quantity of beetroot when new to juicing to a quarter of the total juice. If more than this, should your liver not be functioning really well, you could feel nauseous as the juices are quickly cleansing your liver. No problem here except that you are likely to not want to drink juice again. Using smaller amounts of the strong tasting vegetables to start with will make your experience more enjoyable.

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The Power of Your Spirit

Now in my sixties, I have read many self-help books over the years - even wrote one myself. Whether the author's style was 'how to'...or 'advice for better thinking'...or 'deeply psychological, philosophical, metaphysical -spiritual and/or inspirational - I've pretty much looked into all of them. And benefitted from many. And it is out of such a broad and deep frame of reference that I wholeheartedly not only endorse Faye Rosie's great contribution - but say, quite simply and honestly - I think it is one of (if not the) best, most comprehensive, practical and spiritually sound books I've ever read. Especially in terms of clarifying for me any lingering questions I had about mind/body/spirit integration. It's just an amazing book! And yet so easy to read. And I must also say - there truly does seem to be some kind of embedded energy of a positive, healing nature, that makes you feel like you are getting a much needed alignment or tune-up, while dancing with this highly qualified author's stories and helpful explanations. I recommend it to anybody interested in feeling and doing better in their life. Especially, if you want to put that 'childlike' sparkle back into your eyes, reflecting a real connection with the divine.
Tom Newman, Author of "Memo from Your Soul"

"I have never read such wonderfully clear explanations as you have so eloquently written. I love it so much. I think it will be the missing key I have needed to bring the REALITY of the work I do."
D. Grover, Naturopath, Mildura, Victora, Australia.

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Faye Rosie

Naturopath, Shaman, Medical Intuitive

ND, TWM, Dr Traditional Medicine (Colombo) - Naturopathy, not a GP


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