Heart Healing Newsletter Welcome to this heart MAIL newsletter. ISSUE 37, 26th April, 2013 In this newsletter: ▪ Transforming Karma and Curses▪ Us

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Heart Healing Newsletter

Welcome to this heart MAIL newsletter. ISSUE 37, 26th April, 2013

In this newsletter:

Transforming Karma and Curses
Using Hart Healing Symbol Cards for Children

Generation SQ

Karma and Curses

Many ailments, patterns and thoughts can be a result of not only physically storing our individual memories, but the genetic instructions, memories and unresolved issues passed down from previous generations.

“I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse, so choose life...”


Karma is the principle of cause and effect whereby balance can be attained or regained. Karmas can be emotional and mental challenges from another time and space which affect us spiritually, emotionally and mentally now. A karmic debt simply means that someone ‘owes’ you; you ‘owe’ someone; your ancestors ‘owed’ others or others ‘owed’ your ancestors. This debt cannot be resolved by you working hard, counseling sessions; discussions; being good and giving and giving. Have you ever thought “If I just do enough, or be enough, I will feel better?” You cannot earn resolution of karma. Karma is energetic and is only resolved in an instant through energetic transformation. This is what the present higher consciousness era is all about--transforming issues at the quantum level instead trying to change the bother in the physical realm.

All injury occurs in relationships.

All healing/transformation takes place through relationships

The repeated frustrations are not because the relationship has gone ‘bad’ or the communication has ceased, but rather because the karma was not recognised and therefore resolved.

Relationships trigger karma of past life, karma of ancestors, karma of collective humanity, and karma of spirit attachments, and for the purpose of resolution.

The negative effects of unresolved karma multiply the longer the relationship continues. It Is not the couple’s perceived differences, but the karma that diminishes and destroys relationships. Here are a few ideas of where karmic debt can be involved:

• Betrayed, deserted or abandoned by partner, parent, family
• Mental and/or physical abuse by parent, partner or child
• Controlled or trapped in a relationship by you or another
• You or another being overly dependent in a relationship
• You or partner cheated
• Financial difficulties in relationship
• Lack of approval by parent, partner, child, friend, associate, employer
• You or another withheld attention
• Unable to leave destructive or toxic relationship
• Memories of being a slave or servant
• Unwillingly cared for another who was ill
• Ignored or uncared for when you were ill
• Incest

You can have a karmic debt with a person, or the person’s family.

Or you are owed a karmic debt by a person, or their family.

Curses follow from unresolved karmas.

A curse may be operative when there are family patterns of:
• ‘Untimely’ deaths or suicides
• Repeated accidents
• Financial disasters or poverty.
• Difficulty conceiving
• Mental or emotional illness
• 'Inherited' sickness or diseases

A curse might be involved in the following:
• Depression and Anxiety
• Skeletal pain – head, back, neck, arthritis, fibromyalgia
• Fears and Phobias
• Sexual Disorders
• Personality Disorders, e.g. passive aggression, obsessive compulsion
• Skin Conditions
• Sinusitis, asthma, allergies
• Premenstrual problems

An incorrect diagnosis can become a curse until the false information and curse is released. Often karma, which attracted the curse between the two parties involved, needs resolving while releasing the curse. A lady said she had been diagnosed with a bronchial condition where the cell walls become hardened. Sensing that this was an incorrect diagnosis, it was discovered that she experienced confinement in a previous life from a karma between a family member and someone else. Resolving this brought instant improved breathing to the lady.

We are not victims. Whilst karma and curses do come from past lives and generational patterns, we are not victims. If we resist, insist we are right, and refuse to take responsibility (i.e. return to the power of our liberty), curses are reinforced, e.g. ‘blindness’, perplexity, complete confusion (a ‘heart’ condition). Returning to the power of our liberty begins with noticing and acknowledging our thoughts and emotions. Noticing holds the greatest clues to the matter surfacing for resolution. The thoughts and feelings are the base ‘metals’ ready to be transformed for reflecting the gold of our true nature.

The Generation Card resolves curses and karmas.

Contact Faye for an appointment.
Local and Distant Sessions (Phone or skype)

grief release and belief

Heart Healing Symbol Cards Use

Recently I was demonstrating to a group using the Heart Healing Symbol Cards on myself, with and without, an issue. Without an issue, it still amazes me what multlidimensional levels of information and transformation come through.

Working with an issue: As I paused to wait for the answer as to “what issue could I address?”, my grandson, Marquis flashed into my mind. Marquis has been going to kindergarten for two days a week and this clashes with his plans and ideas. Marquis used to help his Poppy in the business on one of the days and this was most important to Marquis. In spite of giving a command to his dad to make sure Poppy leaves jobs, Marquis was still not impressed.

So, I shuffled and selected a card … GRIEF RELEASE. Marquis had grief stored in his lungs. (hmmmm, he had a cough earlier). The grief was instantly released and transformed from within his body.

In connection with Grief Release, I chose a second card … BELIEF. On waiting for the information to come in, I sensed that Marquis’ belief was “I am missing out.” I continued to wait further to allow the living beings within the cards to transform the belief. I sensed a new belief which Marquis would have got. (This is actually doing a distant session. I was merely standing in the gap, feeling his emotion and sensing his beliefs and then noticing how they change to a more useful pattern.) The new belief: "the time at Kindy is such a minute amount of time in the whole scheme of ‘time’." Also that he was not missing out at all – it was all waiting for him to enjoy after the ‘speck of time’ spent at Kindy.

Poppy reported Marquis was very happy when he came home from kindy the next day instead of the usual grumpy.

Click here to download Heart Healing Symbol Cards Quick Reference Application Chart pdf

No One is Worthless. Anyone can be Loser

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The Power of Your Spirit

_Now in my sixties, I have read many self-help books over the years - even wrote one myself. Whether the author's style was 'how to'...or 'advice for better thinking'...or 'deeply psychological, philosophical, metaphysical -spiritual and/or inspirational - I've pretty much looked into all of them. And benefitted from many. And it is out of such a broad and deep frame of reference that I wholeheartedly not only endorse Faye Rosie's great contribution - but say, quite simply and honestly - I think it is one of (if not) the best, most comprehensive, practical and spiritually sound books I've ever read. Especially in terms of clarifying for me any lingering questions I had about mind/body/spirit integration.

It's just an amazing book! And yet so easy to read. And I must also say - there truly does seem to be some kind of embedded energy of a positive, healing nature, that makes you feel like you are getting a much needed alignment or tune-up, while dancing with this highly qualified author's stories and helpful explanations. I recommend it to anybody interested in feeling and doing better in their life. Especially, if you want to put that 'childlike' sparkle back into your eyes, reflecting a real connection with the divine._
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Faye Rosie

Naturopath, Shaman, Medical Intuitive

ND, TWM, Dr Traditional Medicine (Colombo) - Naturopathy, not a GP


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