That's us at Maker Faire We were talking about Brain Hacking. (I am programming Lee's brain in the picture.) This whole Maker thing is surely a reaso

That's us at Maker Faire

We were talking about Brain Hacking. (I am programming Lee's brain in the picture.) This whole Maker thing is surely a reason to be optimistic about our world. We didn't discuss Halo Neuroscience yet. That's another reason for optimism.

This weekend in the WSJ though

A first post by me in a series, this one on patents, at the Wall Street Journal. I suggest not getting them because they are less important than the real business

Knotable, my daily invention occupation

We are nearly there with something we can share with you. Knotable is a way to organize discussions. Kill the permathread. Discuss and decide.

Lock this knote for now. Will be back to you soon. Or go here so I can invite you privately, earlier, to see what it's about.

Some help we could use

It's fun and amazing stuff we are doing

Know a recent graduate who wants to work with us on building companies? Send them my way
The Knotel, our floors full of startups on 17th St, is pretty much full. But stop in and say hi if you are around
In the Me Department, I would much appreciate you adding to this 3-Qs-about-me survey
