Processing payments from your bank statements SnapBill allows it's South African users who have a bank account, with any of our supported banks, to u


Processing payments from your bank statements


SnapBill allows it's South African users who have a bank account, with any of our supported banks, to upload account statements to SnapBill and process payments directly and in bulk.**

Our supported banks are:

First National Bank
Standard Bank

Coming soon:

Capitec Bank

To enable this feature, go to:

Setup ⇒ Apps ⇒ Import bank Statement ⇒ Enable

Once enabled, a "Bank Statements" menu will appear under the Billing Menu

Using this function you can easily capture payments that you have received via EFT by uploading a CSV file of your bank statements (which should be available for download using your banks Internet banking function).

Billing ⇒ Bank Statements ⇒ Process Payments

SnapBill bank statements

If you require any assistance with the above, please feel free to mail us at or interact with us via Facebook or Twitter /snapbill

Need assistance?

We're always here to help. If you require assistance with setting up your SnapBill account, get in touch and we'll gladly help out.

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