Above: Left side of completed mural. Emilee Bailey 509-449-5133 SchoolProjectinUganda@gmail.com April 2013 Hello everybody! We made it home! I su

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Above: Left side of completed mural.

Emilee Bailey


April 2013

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My new chameleon friend

Hello everybody! We made it home! I sure do miss Africa though. Everything with our project went great! We got everything done that we needed to and had tons of fun in the process.

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Richard painting in hallway

Lots of the local people were able to help us paint which was great in the sense that they were learning how to paint and I was learning how to teach them how to paint, and cross culturally as well. It was difficult to communicate at time but overall everything went fantastic. I learned a lot about the people and their different ways of communicating, and how they problem solve.

I'm not much of a people person, but the people there are amazing and I couldn't help but love them all. I hope that I can go back at some point and stay for a while to learn more about the people and the culture.


Sometimes we just had to wait...

We had a few difficulties, such as peeling paint in a few places, and tons of rain! The rainy season started the week before we arrived, and in our 18 days in Uganda, over 7 inches of rain fell. But we only got rained out of painting one of those days.


Singers who welcomed us

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Fred working to resolve the peeling paint problem

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Some of the detail work

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Mom painting names of my contributors over Ugandans' handprints


A big part of our lives in Uganda involved drinking tons of water, using sunscreen, taking medicine to prevent malaria, and eating tiny sweet bananas.

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The other half of finished mural. Mom, me and Grandma's neighbor, Kyeyune

Thanks again to all of you who supported my Africa project - friends, relatives, teachers, and community members. It was a time I'll never forget.

Love, Emilee
