Heart Healing Newsletter Welcome to this heart MAIL newsletter. ISSUE 42, 24th September, 2013 In this newsletter: ▪ The 4 Phases of Becoming Super

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Heart Healing Newsletter

Welcome to this heart MAIL newsletter. ISSUE 42, 24th September, 2013

In this newsletter:

The 4 Phases of Becoming Super Natural

Freedom SQ

The 4 Phases of Becoming Super Natural.

Wanting to install a download onto my computer, I asked a savvy technical family member to do it for me. I was quite happy to wait until the weekend when he had time. But then I discovered during the following week that I needed another download installed and would continue to need installations. I figured that if I had to wait for several days each time, this was not working for me. I was now ready to learn how to install the download. I was finally ready to change from do it for me to show me how. Even after 20 years of doing the above with new technical stuff, I am amazed at myself for resisting learning how when once I am ready and choose to learn, how simply and easy life is. I discover a super life.

An internal question I often ask when seeing clients is: “What is ready to change?” This opens me to other realms or dimensions to discover the answer and to observe the shifts happening without effort. We only change when we are ready and until then, we cannot change self or others.

Super natural is similar to superman. When the natural or the ‘man’ is ready to accept the human nature with all its quirks and difficulties, there is the readiness and the power for the super to come in.

So what is my ‘excuse’ when not ready to learn how? Too hard. Don’t wanna know. Too overwhelming. Does it matter what the excuses are? Not at all. Knowing the excuse doesn’t make me ready for change. Reasons and excuses are a way of saying “I am not ready or willing for change”. When I am ready to ‘install downloads’ there are no reasons or excuses. When we are ready, the changes happen and often miraculously, way beyond natural or human imagination. We can be tired of being sick and sick of being tired. When ready we learn how to be super energised and super well.

We are repeatedly drawn to a particular set of circumstances or synchronicities. We experience a sense of disharmony when we resist the nudgings to act upon certain opportunities. These ‘super’ opportunities to experience more of our super naturalness will keep coming until we get it.

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for life.” Lao Tzu
Our phases of becoming super natural can be compared to water flowing in a river and finally reaching the ocean.

The first phase is the sluggish movement of a slow stream. This is where we are given a fish that feeds us for one day. The second phase is moving decidedly and through the rapids. The second phase is where we learn how to fish. In the third phase, we fluctuate with struggle and non-struggle. We use a lot of human effort to get things to work. In this human effort stage, there will come the dark night of the soul—hitting rock bottom— where we discover that what we are doing does not always work. We can become sick and tired of our efforts not giving us the results we want. The fourth phase is where the river reaches the ocean—we learn to live without effort. We discover the way to allow the ‘super’ to flow through us effortlessly.

We drift back and forth between each phase regularly, and can experience more than one stage at the same time. When the tides bring us to earlier stages, our experience will often be deeper or more personal than the first time. We experience more ‘super’ each time we flow through the phases of the wave cycle. In each phase we appear to learn the same lessons over and over again, but at a deeper level. The lessons are just as difficult in the last phase as they are in the first phase.

In the 4th stage, we integrate the tremendous power for change. This power is the human limitation that, when used (not resisted), expresses our multidimensional super power within us.

We learn that we all receive a fish or learn how to fish in our own unique cycle or timing of readiness to become super natural. We can learn how to free ourselves from the attachment to readiness and attachment to non readiness. Then without effort, we discover that we are the fishing rod of the 4th phase.

Use the Heart Healing Card , Freedom for detaching from the heavy energetic charge wth what you don't want versus what you do want.

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Coming Soon

MINI E-BOOKS: Emotional Guides & Animal Totems in the Heart Healing Symbols Series.

Are you ready to discover that emotional discomfort, obstacles and blocks are opportunities to experience more of your real nature and expression of higher consciousness. Learn how to release the suppressed discomfort so as not to attract more and compounded discomfort.

Learn how to understand discomfort in life through your emotional guides and animal totems in the series of mini e-books of the Heart Healing Symbol Cards.

Discover a greater depth of dimensional levels through the Heart Healing Symbol Series.

Learn how to quickly access and maintain harmony and union of dimensional selves. Learn how to discover and express your life purpose.


The Power of Your Spirit

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Heart Healing Symbol Cards

Healing and transformative energies are embedded in these multi dimensional Shamanic Healing Tools.

Discover these energies through your personal use of the Heart Healing Symbol Cards.

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Click here to download Heart Healing Symbol Cards Quick Reference Application Chart pdf

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E-Book: ABUNDANCE, Fulfilling Your Desires with Effortless Ease

You are being given Power to make wealth to facilitate what you want to do in your life. Discover how in returning and rest; in quiet confidence you experience abundance, freedom and power.

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Faye Rosie

Naturopath, Shaman, Medical Intuitive

ND, TWM, Dr Traditional Medicine (Colombo) - Naturopathy, not a GP


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