The hard work is done: the goal has been set and the progress has been tracked. Now comes the fun part: celebrating her success! My daughter and I lo


The hard work is done: the goal has been set and the progress has been tracked. Now comes the fun part: celebrating her success!

My daughter and I love celebrations. They're fun, everyone is usually happy, and it provides a nice break to the normal routine. We celebrate in several different ways, but our favorites probably include a Mommy/Daughter date and food.

Funny story: one time we were out on a Mommy/Daughter date and I hadn't checked the weather. Apparently tornadoes were coming through the area. Guess who was out playing mini golf in the dark when tornado sirens started going off...

Moral of the story: check your weather. Always.

Want a few ideas for celebrating? You bet!

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I want to hear from you! Reply to this email and let me know how you guys celebrated!

When the fun has died down, be sure to continue working with your daughter on setting and achieving her goals. With you by her side, she can dream big dreams and achieve them!


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