January 2014 In this issue: Achieve Your Goals in 2014! New Year’s Gift: Manifest Your Soul’s Purpose radio interview Commit to your Soul with Tra

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spiritual transformation news

January 2014

Xmas cactus

Dear Friends,

I have a New Year's spiritual tradition that I would like to share with you.

For as long as I can remember, I have set goals for the coming year on New Year’s Day. I light a candle, find a quiet space, both inside and outside, and pick up my journal—often a new one that I start that day.

In that reflective space I write down ten things I would like to do, or be, before I die. It is essential to write down my heart’s deepest wish and not to censure.

Then I look at my list.

Often I discover my list consists of things that will give joy to both my personality and my soul. There are perennial favourites to do with walking in nature and being supportive of my friends and family, and there are inner goals to do with developing more compassion and enjoying life. In addition, there are specific goals for that year, such as writing a certain book, or other “to do’s” that my soul calls me to give to the world.

Of course, it is not enough only to write down the list; we must act on the items. I’ve kept my lists for decades and have found that I achieve approximately 80% of my goals within the first year or two. And now to you. This month, I encourage you to make a list of your goals and commit to acting on your heart’s deepest calling. Realize that spirit wants us to be happy and wants to give us that which will satisfy the personality and, more importantly, the soul.

I have been re-reading Paramahansa Yogananda’s book, Autobiography of a Yogi, in which he describes incidents showing that from an early age he was able to attract to himself exactly what he wanted. Why? Because he had no doubt. He was absolutely convinced that spirit wanted to give him what he wanted, and even though his parents, siblings, and friends doubted him he stayed steadfast in his will to manifest his soul’s dream. Only you can commit. No one else can do this for you. However, once you commit to spirit, spirit commits to you and offers you the tools you need to manifest your goals.

To get you started on your path, I offer a 57-minute radio interview on Manifesting Your Soul’s Purpose that I recorded a few weeks ago with a Unity minister. There are many ideas in it that I feel will interest you. Also, If you have not already participated in our Transform Yourself and Transform Your Work programs, I urge you to consider doing so. These courses contain the spiritual tools that I have developed over 30 years to help you manifest both your personality and soul goals. In fact, as I have found in my own life, redoing these courses and using these tools repeatedly increases the ability to manifest.

Hope you enjoy your goal setting and I look forward to being with you in 2014.

ManifestYourSoulPurpose CoverFront

Click here for Bookstore

Enjoy our 57-minute radio interview on my book, Manifest Your Soul’s Purpose, with Rev. Kristen Powell of Unity online radio.

CLICK here for your free audio.


According to a recent survey, 6 out of 10 people say they are too busy for spirit.

Are you one of those people who have difficulty finding time for spirit? If so, get off to the right start in 2014 by committing to your soul’s purpose. If you yearn for a more spirit-filled life, our self-study programs Transform Yourself and Transform Your Work can help.

These powerful programs give you tools to align your life with spirit so that you can manifest your true purpose in the world.

Receive the complete workbooks and video or audio assistance to clear old programming that no longer serves your well-being. Re-prioritize your life by focusing on alignment with spirit.


Your Transform Yourself self-study course includes:

* 70-page workbook
* 4 audio clearings
* Video guided visualization and meditation
* FREE Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) Test (a $19.95 value)

CLICK here to find out more and to register.

Transform Your Work

Your Transform Your Work self-study course includes:

* 90-page workbook
* 11 video lessons and visualizations
* FREE 85-minute video with Tanis Helliwell on How to Work with Soul

CLICK here to find out more and to register.

Only $147 for either Transform Yourself or Transform Your Work.


Espíritus de la Naturaleza y el Nacimiento de una nueva Tierra

Wanted: Humans to play and work with nature spirits.

Please join Tanis from January 21-23, 2014 for "Elementals and Birth of the New Earth," a workshop and spiritual retreat at Condor Blanco in the beautiful lake and mountains of southern Chile.

Phone: +56 2 233 41 128
Email: inscripciones@condorblanco.com

I wish you a spirit filled 2014,

Tanis Helliwell info@iitransform.com

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