"Life is a Question of Relationship" Happy Friday ! On a beautiful weekend in Ojai, I attended the Annual May Gathering for one of my favorite clien

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"Life is a Question of Relationship"

Happy Friday !

On a beautiful weekend in Ojai, I attended the Annual May Gathering for one of my favorite clients: The Krishnamurti Foundation of America. It was an inspiring weekend that left me with many things to contemplate, especially on the notion of "relationship."

"Life is a question of relationship. If you have no relationship with nature, you have no relationship with man. If we have no relationship with that, we shall have no relationship with each other." - Jiddu Krishnamurti

In the current state of the world, I think it's important to remember the value of our relationships, and in our humanity. I believe that the spirit of humanity has the power to change the world.

It's also important to remember our relationship not just with each other, but with everything around us: with nature and the environment, with food, with money, and with material possessions.

Being aware of the relationship I have with all aspects of life is a big reason I am compelled to build my Tiny House. It allows me to prioritize what is important and meaningful to me.

On this holiday weekend, I wish you a weekend filled with relationships of people and things you love.

Warmest wishes,

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Vina Lustado, founder


A little back story on my Tiny House...
and a Movie to Boot


When I first had the crazy idea of building a tiny house, I couldn't really give much rational thought behind it. I just felt I HAD to do it.

Maybe it was because I needed to take root in the only place I ever called home: my beloved Ojai Valley. Or maybe it was because I wanted to show others the joys of living simply, and lightly, on this Earth. Or maybe it's because building construction is responsible for 40% of US waste generated (wow!).

When I first announced the idea to my partner, Cliff, I was thrilled he was on board. Well, not so much about living in a sardine size dwelling, but about helping me build it. It has been a journey full of joy and challenges. The journey has certainly been worthwhile, and so much fun!

I tell you this because of a documentary film about Tiny Houses called TINY: a story about living small. It chronicles another couple's journey (similar to mine) in building a house from scratch, and along the way, delves into the question of home, sustainability and consumption.

It's a beautiful, heartwarming film, and it's my hope that I can bring the documentary to Ojai, with a panel discussion with the filmmakers. Stay tuned!!

For progress photos of my Tiny House, visit my Facebook page HERE. LIKE my page if you're so inclined, and warm my heart :)

Ventura House on the Hill is almost complete!

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photo credits: Eileen Descallar Ringwald Photography

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It's almost here: the completion of a year-long project in Ventura. Perched on the hills overlooking the Pacific Ocean and the Channel Islands, the design of the house takes advantage of the views surrounding the property.

The clients wanted the feel of a beach house, so interior finishes were selected in neutral whites in a simple refined, yet comfortable, setting. The collaboration between the client, contractor, and architect made for a successful project.

I'm excited about final phase of this project, and look forward to future collaborations with Tenpenny Construction. What a pleasure to work with a professional team!

Give Water... Change Lives

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Last April, I pledged to give up my birthday for charity: water. I was so deeply touched by so many of you who responded with a donation. THANK YOU!!

So far, we have raised $830! This will give 41 people (especially women and children) access to clean water. How wonderful is that?!

But let's keep going... My birthday has passed, but you can still donate until June 14th. It's simple and fast, and I would be so grateful! Thanks in advance for being AWESOME!


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