If you are having any difficulty viewing this newsletter in your e-mail, please click here to properly display the content in your browser. May 17th,


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Greetings Friends of T.R.E.E.!

We have enjoyed another wonderful year of programs at the Outdoor Classrooms! As always, it has been a pleasure and a privilege to work with so many eager young New Orleans students! T.R.E.E. welcomed several new schools to our Earthkeepers program and continued to graduate many students from their third and final T.R.E.E. program, the 7th grade Sunship III. We have been overjoyed to welcome back numerous program participants as volunteers at the Sunship Earth and Sunship III programs and are ever grateful to them - and all the volunteers - who make our programs possible! This year, T.R.E.E. was able to serve 1,900 students, from 18 schools, over 39 programs!

Please browse a small sampling of this years highlights here in our Spring Newsletter!

T.R.E.E. will be participating in National Geographic's upcoming BioBlitz at Jean Lafitte on May 17th and 18th. Described as "part scientific endeavor, part festival, and part outdoor classroom," BioBlitz will be a fun and family-friendly weekend of activities! If you plan to be out in Jean Lafitte, please stop by the T.R.E.E. table to say "hello!"

We are pleased to announce the addition of the T.R.E.E. Shop to our website where you can now purchase hand-made hats, soft tools, and locally printed program t-shirts! All proceeds go directly to T.R.E.E. programming.

We look forward to seeing many of you again in the Fall and hope that you all have a restful and adventurous Summer!

-Sue Brown

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Stations Banner

Many thanks to all of the volunteers who have helped us at events this year! Our 5% Day at Whole Foods in April, where 5% of the days total sales at New Orleans area Whole Foods Markets were donated to T.R.E.E., earned us over $16,500! We greatly appreciate all of those who came out to shop, help at our tables, and support a great mission.

branching in

Each T.R.E.E. program involves a follow-through component that teachers and parents help to facilitate back at school and at home. Students are challenged to complete a series of tasks to demonstrate their new understandings, to continue to connect with the natural world, and to develop habits that fit harmoniously with the workings of our planet. We are always proud to celebrate these many accomplishments at the end of the school year!

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See more of our students' wonderful poetry, art, discoveries, and photos, and play along in our weekly challenges on Facebook!

We need you to grow
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