The Little Things . . . a Going the Distance newsletter Late December 2013 || issue #17 Share on Facebook Drinking Old Milk You probably wouldn't


The Little Things . . .

a Going the Distance newsletter

Late December 2013 || issue #17
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Drinking Old Milk

You probably wouldn't do that.

Would you use an old training program? Probably. We all have.

Perhaps you trained with Fernando's program last year, or 2 years ago, or 5 years ago. And you saved the workouts. The interval sessions, the secondary sessions, the long runs. You have it all -- straight from the Professor. From a year ago. Or 5 years ago.

But you know what? The Professor has moved on. He has updated last year's program. Improved it. The art and science of running grows each year, and Coach Braz keeps his training programs current with the best that's out there right now.

It all comes back to the hard work YOU do. But you may want to work hard on today's training program, not last year's.

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15-Week Winter Program Begins January 6

The 15-week GTD winter session begins on Monday, January 6. The first outdoor interval workout with Coach Braz and Coach Starrett is Tuesday, January 7.

To assure that you receive your 15-week outline by January 6, Coach Braz needs your Sign-up Form by Monday, December 23.

Program Options

Sign-up Steps, including directions to the workout site

Sign-up Form

Program Payments

Check the FAQ or send an email.


Email Program Can Work for You

Many of us cannot get to the weekly onsite workouts.
Fernando's email program will give you the weekly "track" or interval session plus a schedule of tempo and long runs throughout the week to match your goal.
You may choose the email option when you sign up -- and you always have the option to come to any of the onsite sessions.


Going the Distance is a coaching service for runners at all levels.
If you know someone who might benefit from the Going the Distance program,
tell them about us, and forward The Little Things to them.
Visit our website -- Going the Distance
Head Coach -- Fernando Braz
Assistant Coach -- Annie Starrett
Webmaster and Director -- Dave Smith
For more information, contact Dave at
